
Is Washington’s Retreat Genuine?

Is Washington’s Retreat Genuine?

In Tehran, while the optimists regard Washington’s nuclear deal with Iran as a genuine retreat from the regime change policy, pessimists view it as yet another step, this time more elaborate, to overthrow the Islamic Republic.

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Dignity and a Good Deal

Dignity and a Good Deal

A good deal for Iran is a deal that safeguards pride and dignity of the Iranian nation according to conservative figures. What terms and conditions should a deal have to fulfill this provision?

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A Thousand-Year Padlock for the UK Embassy?

A Thousand-Year Padlock for the UK Embassy?

A few years after the occupation of the US embassy in Tehran, when one cabinet minister decided to convert the diplomatic venue into a ministerial office, Ayatollah Khomeini asked him: “Are we supposed not to have diplomatic relations with the US for a thousand years?” A similar question can be asked from Iranian conservatives who are objecting the re-opening of the UK embassy in Tehran.

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