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American Iranian Council!

American Iranian Council!

The US government has authorized the American Iranian Council, a US-based NGO chaired by Houshang Amirahmadi to open an office in Iran. Morteza Kazemian, political analyst comments on this issue.

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Enough Reasons Why Iran & US Should Start Talks!

US efforts to open an interest section office in Iran can be regarded a sufficient and necessary reason for the two sides to start negotiations and break the ice which has frozen the relations between the two sides for three decades...

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Iran-Egypt Dilemma: Beyond Bilateral Ties

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Ali Aboul Gheit last week instructed Hussein Haridi, director in charge of Asian affairs at the Egyptian Foreign Ministry to initiate talks with Iran’s interest section in Cairo and prepare the ground for settlement of tensions in Tehran-Cairo ties... A note by Hamid Reza Dehghanipour

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Iran the Strategic Depth of Arab States

Iran-Egypt relations under President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were on the verge of improvement twice but they were not normalized although high-level Iranian officials paid repeated visits to Egypt.

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Damascus Meeting: Diplomacy Revisited

A four-way meeting was held in Damascus on September 5th attended by presidents of Syria and France, the emir of Qatar and the prime minister of Turkey. The Syrian president reiterated the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program at the Damascus meeting.

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