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Nothing Has Changed for Better

ElBaradei’s latest report may not have a favorable impact on Iran-Five plus One September negotiations. Commentary by Seyyed Jalal Sadatian.

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Icebreakers Coming Up?

Icebreakers Coming Up?

Commentary by Dr. Hosein Salimi, political affairs analyst, on IAEA’s report and the prospect of Iran’s nuclear program

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West Stops Only When Sure

Punitive measures will continue until West becomes sure that Iran will not achieve nuclear weapons. Commentary by Mohammad Hosein Malaek, Iran’s former ambassador to China and Russia and European affairs analyst

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Nuclear Talks and Iran’s Package

West has no problems if Iran sets forth proposals on global issues in its package, but for them, the priority is Iran’s nuclear program. Interview with Ali Khorram, international affairs analyst

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A Time for Revival

Breakaway and comeback. Hashemi Rafsanjani regained people’s trust after his unexpected speech in Friday prayers

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Iran Sets Off a New Palestinian Agenda

News report of Mottaki’s sideline talks with Saeb Erekat and Ahmed Aboul Gheit in Non-Alignment Movement conference in Sharm-el-Sheikh. Is Iran changing its Palestinian agenda? By Ali Musavi Khalkhali.

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