In the New Persian Year, Iran Should Rely on Proactive Diplomacy to Neutralize Trump
By Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini
Read MoreBy Seyyed Ahmad Hosseini
Read MoreProfessor Hossein Askari, an expert on Saudi Arabia who also teaches international business at the George Washington University, strongly believes that “rising tide of nationalism or the right is a threat to EU institutions and its architecture but this will not erode EU’s trade policies as a bloc.”
Read More"Saudi Arabia is a key variable for the larger part of US foreign policies," professor of political sciences Mostafa Motahari writes in an op-ed for Iranian Diplomacy.
Read More“The damaging consequences of abrogating commitments undertaken in the JCPOA would take several forms. Chiefly this is an issue of U.S. credibility. That credibility would be damaged.”
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