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Bahonar to Sleep on Presidential Chances for 2021

Bahonar to Sleep on Presidential Chances for 2021

Ex-Deputy Speaker Mohammadreza Bahonar is considered a potential presidential candidate able to save the principlists’ void of choices equal of Rohani. Fatemeh Estiri’s following article, published on Khabar Online, chronicles his lifetime and argues that Bahonar is smarter than to run now.

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Will Principlists Trust Rouhani Once Again?

Will Principlists Trust Rouhani Once Again?

Iranian media have already started speculations about the presidential race slated in nine months, with president Rouhani at the center. Principlist observer Nasser Imani believes Rouhani has little chance of winning support among the Principlists.

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Ex-Negotiator Saeed Jalili Has Set Twitter on Fire

Ex-Negotiator Saeed Jalili Has Set Twitter on Fire

As a hub that has attracted many Iranian politicians, journalists and citizens, Twitter is now a platform for political rivalry where a simple slip of the keyboard may cause storms by butterfly effect. Saeed Jalili is the latest victim.

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