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Afghan-owned peace process only solution to war in Afghanistan

Afghan-owned peace process only solution to war in Afghanistan

America’s top military commander in Afghanistan, John Nicholson, sent regional observers into a tizzy with his comments on Monday that the United States was ready to join direct negotiations with the Taliban. He later retracted his statement, apparently under pressure, saying his words were “mischaracterized.”

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Trump’s Campaign against Europe

Trump’s Campaign against Europe

Many analysts of the international affairs have recently had a special focus on US-EU relations. Some signals and speeches by the President of the United States which are addressed to the European authorities indicate the full opposition of the White House to the European Union.

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The politics behind the sabotage of Iran Deal in Europe

The politics behind the sabotage of Iran Deal in Europe

As the EU scrambles to offer a viable package of economic incentives to convince Iran to stay in the JCPOA after the US withdrawal, some forces are trying to undermine this effort and fully align the bloc’s policies with Trump strategy of isolating Iran. By: Eldar Mamedov*

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'Disgraceful behavior will isolate U.S. in international arena and enhance Iran’s status'

'Disgraceful behavior will isolate U.S. in international arena and enhance Iran’s status'

Noam Chomsky is the leading American philosopher, linguist, political commentator and activist. He has authored more than 100 books and has spent most of his career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where he is the Professor Emeritus currently. Celebrated as ‘world's top public intellectual’, Chomsky is the leading critic of the U.S. foreign policy, state capitalism and mainstream media. In an exclusive interview with Tehran Times, he talks about U.S.-Iran standoff over JCPOA, Iran’s nuclear program and U.S. foreign policy.

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