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Rouhani to Scramble Cabinet?

Rouhani to Scramble Cabinet?

A recent article published by Tehran’s Arman daily implies imminent reforms in Rouhani’s cabinet. The question is, who needs a change?

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It’s Persian Gulf, Stupid!

It’s Persian Gulf, Stupid!

Republicans’ Iranophobic agenda is working at all levels, from passing anti-Iran bills to changing historical name of geographical entities.

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IRIB Director Rumored To Have Resigned

IRIB Director Rumored To Have Resigned

Rumors have been swirling that the sitting IRIB Director-General Mohammad Sarafraz will soon leave office, in a break from a five-year term tradition. Assigned by the Supreme Leader, his last three predecessors, Mohammad Hashemi, Ali Larijani and Ezzatollah Zarghami, had their tenures extended for another five years.

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