Conditions Won’t Allow Israel to Enter into War

-Signs indicate that following the recent attack, conditions are moving towards another war in the region which Israel has begun with its attack against Hezbollah in Syria.
-Israel’s measure has led to reactions whose direction is not clear. But what we know is that the readiness of Hezbollah and other groups of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon and Syria and the occupied territories to stand against possible Israeli attacks is high.
-Nonetheless, signs indicate that despite this readiness, Israel seeks a new conflict which is, again, based on incorrect calculations and analyses.
-Considering the fact that the people of Syria are involved in an imposed war by the Takfiris, Israel’s speculation is that under such conditions they will not be able to support the Resistance.
-Israel also speculates that by creating a new front between the Takfiri forces and Lebanon’s army and also long-term conflicts inside this country to introduce the president, Lebanon will not enter the new war either, thus, it is a good opportunity to deal a blow against Hezbollah and the Resistance.
-Therefore, Netanyahu has started this new conflict in order to stabilize his position in Israel and win the upcoming election.
-Israel is preparing itself for such a conflict while it is in its weakest position in the international scene and many of the western countries, especially Europeans, have joined the critics of Israel’s policies.
-Palestine’s attempts to be recognized as an independent state in the United Nations and also its membership in the International Court of Justice which was supported by many European countries also indicate the gap between Israel and its allies.
-This criticism was found in Israel’s attacks against Gaza and if this regime attempts to launch another war, it should await new international reactions and criticisms.
-Thus, the recent conflict has been faced with vast criticisms particularly since this attack was launched inside Lebanon.
-Israel assumed that its attack against the Hezbollah motorcade would bring about a rapid, sensitive and blind reaction by Hezbollah so that it could attract international support for itself, but Hezbollah intelligently changed its calculations.
-Hezbollah began its strikes from the regions which are the most crowded areas of the occupied territories. The most crowded regions are located from Shab’a to Tel Aviv and any attack could lead to numerous casualties which would then increase people’s dissatisfaction in Israel. Therefore, Netanyahu would lose his position inside Israel as well.
-It seems that the Israelis have realized that, contrary to all their calculations, the conditions are not right to launch an attack against Hezbollah and it attempts to leave the scene before bearing more political cost inside and outside the country.
-Nevertheless, Israel has, intentionally or unintentionally, begun a conflict which it will not be able to end itself and it is Hezbollah which will decide within the next few days whether it intends to pursue the war or not.