Ebrahim Raisi after the Election

In the wake of the presidential race, candidate Ebrahim Raisi multiplied his appearances in the media. The Raisi campaign never imagined to be able to score a consensus on him in the presidential race. However, one thing led to another and they did. For several reasons, Raisi has now boosted his activities in the political scene. For one thing, they are trying to keep the campaign’s capacity alive because they know it requires more involvement to maintain the present solidarity in the Principlist camp.
Secondly, the activities of Raisi and his close allies could be linked to the administration. They are trying to press the administration in order to present themselves as advocates of the nation’s rights who are also demanding the pursuit of Rouhani’s campaign promises. On the other hand, they could obtain concessions from the administration. It was for the same reason that President Rouhani gave a fir response in his recent remarks.
Thirdly, given their powerful media empire and the influence they have within the establishment, Principlists' activities could also affect their rivals, including the reformists and moderate principlists. They have many megaphones and are using them to obtain concessions from the administration.
It is true that it is absolutely unlikely for the Principlists to have even a single minister in the next cabinet, they would be pleased by at least having some governors and mayors chosen from among their allies. This is the fourth reason for their activities, justifying their efforts for infiltration and bargaining in councils that have not taken office yet.
There are also concerns among Principlists regarding Ebrahim Raisi, because they do not want things to go in a direction where the chances of other inside rivals could wane. This could prove detrimental for the camp, because for years, they have been engaged in an internal war that still goes on.
If Ebrahim Raisi could find a superior status, other competitors will definitely have difficulties to remain in the game. Therefore, part of the Principlist camp cannot let him reach such status. On the other hand, the Principlists associated with Raisi are not necessarily endorsed by all other sides in the camp. If Raisi succeeds to figure such a status for himself, it will be a game-changer that puts his side in a very favorable position.
Their attacks on the administration, which suggests a continuation of the presidential campaign, will continue until the inauguration day. Until then, they will use the atmosphere to bargain with and pressure President Rouhani in order to obtain concessions. An interesting thing about Raisi and his political spectrum is that unlike other individuals, who retreat and avoid new posts after losing in the election, they have no intension whatsoever to do so.
They are aware of the fact that they are not welcome by the people but try to keep home fires burning lest they lose the status they found in the election. Furthermore, through their controversial conduct, they are trying to motivate their followers to remain active.
These sorts of behavior are usually double-edged swords, meaning they could bring positive or negative results. The political spectrum that puts such behaviors on its agenda should be aware that they would either win and obtain their concessions or find the opposite number so firm that there would be no chance to obtain concessions anymore. In my opinion, the President’s recent remarks indicate that Raisi’s conduct has made him more serious.