Elections and Terrorism Once Again

Terrorism has once again dealt a blow and left behind many martyrs and injured. This series of death is once again being repeated… As we move closer to the elections, these episodes start anew… The crisis in the country has become more complicated, we must talk less and act more… The issue will cause different reactions and, due to lack of experience and government institutions that are not completely institutionalized, great problems will be caused. Thus, we must pay more attention to what is happening and attempt to act accordingly while understanding the important issues.
1. I must frankly state that the Iraqi officials must refrain from making any tumultuous statements which will give excuses to the enemies of the people. Meanwhile, we must all help to prevent the previous mistakes from being repeated. Making some mistakes in the present situation is natural and measures should be taken to correct them. But some mistakes cannot be excused.
2. The candidates must come face-to-face with the people, be present among them and achieve their political power directly from the people, otherwise gaining power would become impossible. At the same time, the Citizen Coalition has attempted to get commitments from its representatives, and even if there is a resignation, it should be done within the framework of the coalition. Victory in the election will be for all. This is exactly contrary to what some people have pursued. They intend to repeat the past mistakes and blame others so that nobody would be able to investigate them. They do not want to be held accountable and are only after their own interests.
3. We must refrain from slogans of public deception. The only way is to present accurate plans proportionate with each province and based on solving the problems. The program of the Citizen Coalition is clear. Its similarities and differences with other forces are also very obvious. We must reach a solution that would create great developments in the country and prepare the ground to solve all the problems of the people. This path must substitute the path that some have chosen, those who are only concerned about the interests of their party and their own. This is exactly what is going on in our country today.
4. Obviously, participating in the elections and making promises can attract the trust of the people, which can be useful for the future of the country. The right management of the political movement is one of the most important factors of progress and success in the present political situation of the country.
5. Using the experiences of others is also very significant. There is no doubt that others use their experiences in the best possible way and at the same time study the experiences of the others. The best way to achieve this goal is for each candidate to be concerned about the interests of his own province and make efforts to improve the situation there. The success of personalities, movements and parties can emphasize this point and complement this path.
6. One should not only think about victory in the elections at any cost and with any possible method. One must rather be concerned about the victory of his province and his country. Every official has his own government and every representative has his own parliament, but the only thing that people have is the ballots. George Nathan, the famous American critic and theoretician says: “Whenever a corrupt official is elected, it means that the citizens have not cast the right vote.” This means that the people must know that they are responsible for whatever they do and they are the ones who know who the best person to vote for is.