Iraq and Its Complex Security Problems

Whenever there is a difference of opinion over an issue, it will undoubtedly be logical to find a solution for it through consensus. If there are legal solutions for these differences and they can be solved within the framework of the country’s political trend, then they should be solved within this framework.
Different ideas and thoughts can be blended with plans to reach a solution, but if the differences are beyond the legal framework and interpretations of the constitution and there is no determination to solve these differences, then these differences would lead the country towards deadlock, which no citizen of the country wants to reach; particularly when the people’s ideas are clear and their agendas are evident. In this case, the national forces must have faith in the political process and accept to sacrifice some of their demands and accept some losses so that the path towards the construction of a democratic country would continue; a country which can accept the responsibility of solving the problems, which can defend its political trend, safeguard the rights of those martyred on the path to freedom, punish criminals and not allow the political trend of the country to be destroyed by sick thoughts and disillusions, the remnants of which would lead to the destruction of people’s determination and their faith in the valuable experience of political democracy in the country.
Here we are talking about the establishment of a political structure for the country so that nobody could even think that this structure would be built by sensationalism. Instead, the belief must be formed that the foundations of such a country are built with the blood of the martyrs who fought against Saddam’s dictatorship; those who fought and sacrificed their blood against the authoritarian regime of Saddam Hussein and later those who were the victims of bloody terrorist activities. The establishment of a powerful country would only be possible if the people have faith in justice and the democratic experience. The people are not afraid of the cries of terrorism and its violence will not cause them to stop moving on the democratic and freedom-seeking path which will lead them to their holy objectives in building a new experience and strengthening the foundations of democracy and its necessary effects.
Terrorism uses all its damaging tools against the people to bring them to their knees and defeat them, while the losers of such behavior are the terrorists themselves and their supporters. The people will pursue anyone who attempts to defeat them and they will not allow them to cause destructive effects.
The next phase which the political forces will be confronted with is the phase in which the political movements must think about uniting their forces and moving the political trend forward, for it is only through this measure that they will be able to draw a common view for the practical process of the country by realizing their hopes and ideals, a process based on the constitution.
Although differences have been prolonged, in the end there is no solution except for the political movements to accept that they should reach an understanding within the framework of the constitution. The days when the country must move on its right path are not far away. Then the people themselves will control their political destiny and bear all the responsibilities to obtain their rights. Within the same framework, the political movements are obliged to sit at the negotiating table and make efforts to solve their differences under the constitution to achieve the rights of all Iraqis.