Investing in Terrorism, A Mistake

In a way, Arab intifadas transfer one idea. During the last century, numerous developments have occurred in the Arab communities but they were more in the shape of coup d’états in the palaces of Arab leaders and presidents than in the shape of revolutions, although they themselves called these movements revolutions. These public movements were copied from the experiences of secularism, nationalism, and Islamism of other countries where slogans and ideologies were dominant, based on which institutions and constitutions were established. The general and specific rights of the people were also defined on the same basis.
The peaceful transfer of power and free elections based on democracy happened for the first time, in the present century, in Iraq, where the rights of all groups and tribes with different political and ethnic tendencies were safeguarded.
Iraq began a new and unique experience under foreign intervention, occupation, and terrorist activities. Despite the existence of such an atmosphere and numerous shortcomings and many obstacles created by different elements, the people of Iraq achieved great things and gained what they had demanded.
Following the popular protests in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, and Bahrain, the old balances of power were all destroyed. Today, the region is moving towards a new balance. At this historic juncture, numerous problems and difficulties will arise which will create obstacles for people to succeed in determining their own destiny. This is while the governments attempt to give their citizens their rights.
At the present time, the countries and the region itself are both trying to regain their historic roles that they have lost for some time now. This is while this objective is seriously threatened. Many European and American news sources have stated that al-Qaeda elements are transferred from Iraq and other places to Syria so that they can officially begin their activities under the shadow of movements which are in contact with al-Qaeda, most importantly the al-Nusra Front.
On the other hand, Syria's opposition insists on rejecting the regime's plan. While they should try to form a strong national force which believes in democracy and recognizes real resistance against Israel to move past the current horrific situation, they have unfortunately sought another path.
The Americans have placed the al-Nusra Front on the list of terrorist organizations. What is astonishing is the statements made by Laurant Fabius, the French Foreign Minister, in the “Friends of Syria" conference in Morocco where Iraq was also present. Based on a Le Monde report dated Dec. 13, 2012, he has said, “All the Arabs who were present in Morocco were against the US’ positions. It is very clear that the al-Nusra Front has acted successfully on the ground in Syria and the head of the coalition also approves and agrees with this matter."
I ask the French not to make the same mistake that the Americans made in their transactions with the Taliban. It is totally wrong to consider investment in terrorism, for it is the terrorists that gain the most benefit from this investment. Terrorism knows no religion or boundaries. When these terrorists turn into their enemies, they show this enmity not only against them but also against their enemies. This fire enflames their own countries, as we have seen in New York, Madrid and other places. They must consider the fact that they should not accuse the people or Islam of being terrorists and sources of terrorism; instead, they must pay attention to the policies which they have adopted themselves from the beginning.