The Opportunity Gaza Gave Muslims

More than what we do to save Gaza, Gaza is sacrificing itself to save us. It is true that Gaza needs our spiritual and financial support, but Gaza - and perhaps Palestine in general - helped to correct our false views as countries, governments, and nations. Hezbollah jet fighters are in the sky, Jihad and Hamas missiles have kept Israelis from having sound sleep, and today, more than ever before, there is the possibility of capturing Israel.
The confessions of international organizations with regard to the rights of the Palestinians are growing day by day, indicating that local, regional, and global developments are taking place. If violence and power were always to Israel’s benefit, tolerance, patience, and the balance of power were to the benefit of the Resistance and nations. Today, the Israelis can no longer feel stable and secure as they did before. And the Palestinians, despite their undesirable conditions, are not isolated as they previously were and are not alone any more. Today, everything has changed. Turkey no longer has friendly and close relations with Israel. Erdogan’s Turkey is different from the previous Turkey. Now, it clearly states: Our martyrs are in heaven and their murderers are burning in fire. Meanwhile, Iran should not be ignored. Iran's strong and firm positions and its transfer of power from the monarchial system, which had good relations with Israel, to the Islamic and revolutionary Iran, with the defense of Jerusalem on top of its agenda, have had great impacts on the changing of the regional balance.
The Gaza crisis is the first test of the new balance of power in the Middle East following the Arab revolutions. Egypt under Morsi is not Egypt under Mubarak. The nature of the Egyptian government and the behavior of its people are totally different from those of the previous regime and its commitments. Revolutionary governments have replaced the previous conservative ones which were overthrown by their people and changed previous balances, leading to the formation of governments that care about the interests of Palestine and its people. When nations gain freedom, they can better manage their countries. When Israel tore apart the "national bond" between the people of Palestine and Lebanon, the Intifada was created and the war of resistance and freedom-seeking was formed, leading to the achievement of objectives which other countries were not able to achieve with their armies.
We need Gaza more than it needs us, particularly in Syria, Bahrain, and other Arab
and Islamic countries which are involved in political differences and conflicts. Or in those countries where there are differences between the governments and the people. We have paid high costs for political differences among ourselves and turned them into suffocating national conflicts. High costs were also paid when authoritarian regimes usurped power and entered false games in the name of their nations.
Successful people recognize their interests and always concentrate their programs on two or three points. These interests are officially defined in the constitution for which the people have voted and, in fact, reflect the determination of the society. The framework of these programs is: 1. The well-being of humans is the main goal and free nations, while enjoying their complete rights, are the speakers of the determination of their countries. 2. Popular and legal governments make freedom-seeking decisions for their people. 3. The collective common interests of the countries of the region are much more than their differences.