The Middle East And Turkey

18 August 2010 | 19:42 Code : 743 Review
Islamism In Foreign Policy of Ankara
The Middle East And Turkey


President Abdullah Gul of Turkey  belonging to the AKP  started his presidential term with a promise to preserve democracy and secularism  in the country. His contention sought to  rebuff his  critics who allegedthat the AKP had a hidden Islamic agenda and that its coming to power  would be instrumental in Turkey  sliding into Islamic fundamentalism.


In fact, laic regime of Turkey has been defending secularism for more than 70 years, now it has faced victory of Islamic party that has been controlling parliament and presidential positions.

Therefore, Turkey army leader announced that army does not allow anybody to change laic regime in Turkey.


Although AKP also announced that secularism is the best way for managing affairs in the country, but there is approach about AKP. They believe that  AKP has been known as an Islamic party will change domestic and foreign policy of Turkey .They believe that  it is clear that AKP is not like some Islamic parties and groups in Islamic countries that are trying to make Islamic government but their ideology can impact on some internal and external policies of Turkey’s government. Some issues like permission for women to wear scarf in some place, freedom for religious activities and relations with Islamic countries in foreign policy of Turkey.


Foreign Policy of Turkey and Islamic Countries


Now, we can imagine that what will happen on Turkey’s foreign policy towards Islamic countries. In fact, according to Turkey constitution, prime minister leads its foreign policy.


Thus Rajab Tayeb Ardoghan will continue foreign policy of Turkey. But we have to pay attention that Abdullah Gul as President and member of AKP will support Turkey’s prime minister. In fact, now AKP can play more in foreign policy of Turkey towards Islamic countries that has started by Rajab Tayeb Ardoghan   and his former foreign minister and new president of Turkey, Abdullah Gul.



IranTurkey Relations: Friendship or Rivalry


 Iranian believed that laic’s government and, relations with Israel and U.S made Turkey partner of U.S in the region. Therefore, Iran’s approach was security in relation with Turkey. Turks also looked to Iran as a terrorist’s country that has tried to interfere in Turkey domestic affairs.


Rajab Ardoghan started to change this approach and proved that Turkey’s relations with its negibours is based on its national interest and Turks are independent from U.S or others countries in its foreign relations.


Turkey has showed himself to be interested in relationship with Iran, and it seems that, at the same time   Iran’s problem in relations to U.S and some sanction in oil sector made Iran much close to Turkey for market of energy and transport of Gas to European countries.


Turkey also is interested to investment in Iran oil and Gas sector. Thus, it looks IranTurkey relation will increase But ,there is one  point, Although  victory of Abdullah Gul and AKP has closed Iranian fundamentalist’s criticism to Turkey laic’s  regime and it seems that Iran –Turkey relations has to  increased politically, but we have to pay attention that Turkey has introduce itself as a best model of democratic  government among  Muslim countries . It has close relations with U.S, Western countries and member of   North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) but at the same time Islamic party can play role and take power.

In front of Turkey, Iran has shown herself as Islamic country that it is   isolated by U.S and western countries. In fact, Islamic countries that have had relation with U.S, take Turkey as a pattern, it means Iran has faced with powerful rival among Muslim countries.



Turkey _ Arab Countries Relations


Although the Turkish Government  is secular, its history has made it a part  of  the Islamic world. Turkey is member of Islamic Summit Conference and has tried to improve its relation with some Muslim countries like  Saudi Arabia and Egypt.



In fact, Rajab Ardoghan as a prime minister of Turkey has tried to change Turkey’s foreign policy towards Arab countries and also Israel .He believes that Turkey’s relations with Israel and U.S as a strategic relation is not rational strategy for his country.  He believes that for Turkey as a Muslim country relations with Islam world is much important than Israel. He paid attention to public thought of Turkey and showed that Turkey is an independent country in its relations.


This policy is also supported by European countries and U.S, because they are searching for one of their allies among Muslim countries.

Therefore, Islamic Conservatives Turks started to support Palestinian and decrease its relation with Israel. Ardoghan and Gul that they had participated in every protest against Israel policy during their activity in the party announced that they do not want to cut their relation with Israel but they accused Israeli behavior in Palestine. At the same time Ardoghan visited Syria and tried to play the role as a conciliator between Telavive   and Damascus.


He knows, an Egypt relation is important for Turkey because of Egypt’s roles   in Arab - Israel Peace process. Egypt is the only Muslim country that recognised Israel, so Turkey and Egypt can lead Middle East peace.


But Turks knew that Saudi Arabia has played God father to Arab countries, therefore they pay more attention to Saudi Arabia.


Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz king of Saudi Arabia visited Turkey. He was the first king of Saudi that visited Turkey after 40 years. In fact, relation between two counties was down because of laic regime and  Turkey -Israel relations, but Islamic conservatives of Turks came to power and Rajab Ardoghan again visited  Saudi Arabia, it means that Turkey are interest to increase relation with ,Saudi Malek.


In fact, some common aims will make two countries to come together. Both countries have relations with U.S and they are partners of U.S in the region, one of them has relation with Israel and another has tried to start this relation and both have tried to play more roles in Middle East Peace process.


Also economically, except for energy relations, Turkey can play the role as a bridge between West and Saudi Arabia, at the same time Turkey is interested to increase its trade relations with Persian Gulf countries and relation with Saudi is the best opportunity for these aims.


Turks are looking Arab’s markets and they know that Persian Gulf countries are the best option for them.


However, we can imagine Islamic conservative of Turkey and Saudi king as two powers among Muslim countries, and Turkey will be powerful countries among Muslim countries leads by AKP party.