New Items on the Agenda
How Middle East powers are modifying their regional diplomacy. By Mussayib Na’imi, Editor-in-Chief of al-Vifaq Daily and Lebanese affairs analyst

With its geostrategic position, political significance, the resistance movement and confrontation against Israel, Lebanon has always attracted Tehran’s attention. Iran and Lebanon share a long history of interaction; therefore, Manouchehr Mottaki’s visit to Lebanon will most likely include a broad range of bilateral, regional and international issues. After a long period of struggle among political forces, Lebanon has now reached relative stability and formed a national unity cabinet. Regional concerns have been palliated after Saad Hariri’s visit to Damascus and resumption of high-level diplomatic ties.
Against his backdrop, the visit of Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki to Lebanon bears import for both the Iranian and Lebanese. It can help both sides to get a more transparent picture of the current regional developments. Meanwhile, with the Iranian spokesman of the parliament Ali Larijani visiting Egypt and holding talks with President Husni Mubarak, it seems that an age of political rapprochement between Iran and Egypt is on the way. High-level meetings and a senior delegation accompanying Ali Larijani show that the items on diplomatic agenda of some regional states may have changed.
On the other hand, speculations over Seyyed Hassan Nasrullah’s visit to Tehran have not been verified yet. No official information on the visit has been released so far and as far as we know through the media channel, a visit in near future is unlikely. Rumors about Hassan Nasrullah’s visit to Tehran have been circulating during the recent years but never turned into reality. So, this is a trip we should only believe when the Hezbollah leader has stepped in Tehran airport.
Against his backdrop, the visit of Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki to Lebanon bears import for both the Iranian and Lebanese. It can help both sides to get a more transparent picture of the current regional developments. Meanwhile, with the Iranian spokesman of the parliament Ali Larijani visiting Egypt and holding talks with President Husni Mubarak, it seems that an age of political rapprochement between Iran and Egypt is on the way. High-level meetings and a senior delegation accompanying Ali Larijani show that the items on diplomatic agenda of some regional states may have changed.
On the other hand, speculations over Seyyed Hassan Nasrullah’s visit to Tehran have not been verified yet. No official information on the visit has been released so far and as far as we know through the media channel, a visit in near future is unlikely. Rumors about Hassan Nasrullah’s visit to Tehran have been circulating during the recent years but never turned into reality. So, this is a trip we should only believe when the Hezbollah leader has stepped in Tehran airport.