Dispense with Joining the EU

01 August 2007 | 22:33 Code : 441 Review
An Article by Lecturer of Law Faculty of Tehran University

 Next year is the first hundred anniversary of young Turks revolution during Ottoman Empire and the beginning of their westernization.


This revolution, like constitutional revolution in Iran was the result of loaning western thoughts and social structures and was also the beginning of the trend.


 However, both revolutions failed because of lacking social pre-requisitions and paved the path for non-democratic way of modernization with Reza Shah's reign in Iran and Kamal Pasha's in Turkey.


Since then both countries experienced ups and downs in westernization rout which and more or less similar consequence in spite of a little different ways they took.


Western civilization could only influence symbols and faces of things and could not influence Islamic values and identity.


Islamic revolution in Iran rejected western identity and Islamic movement in Turkey led to the victory of Islamic parties in Elections. 


In the mean time, Turkey did its best to keep Kamal Pasha's heritage and kept religion away from polities.


Turkish intellectuals are absorbed in western civilization and see their success in joining European Union and use attractions of EU economy to act so but it is EU that will reject Turkey.


Turkey has for years been waiting for the west to accept them and has changed laws and reformed social structures, but the west does not ignore the fundamental differences between the two communities and just tantalizes them to make them more westernized.


Jean Francois Bayar, French researcher, admitted in an article that EU criticisms to Turkey are about issues that Turkey has copied from the west. Suppressing minorities and creating a uniform society is exactly what western modern governments have done in the past three to four hundred years.


Border line disputes are also what western modern governments did in order to have full observation on their territories.


But what the Europeans demand from Turkey these days and put them under titles such as democracy, human rights, and distancing military from policy making and government and what Mr. Bayar neglects, head for weakening the government and unity in this country.



The reform in the laws can also challenge the values of Turkish society and create paradox. A biased Turkish family man can not look at his wife's betrayal the way a European looks at it and come over it easily.


 We believe the faster westernization trend in the upper part of the society, the more reactions seen from lower parts. These reactions have resulted in victory of Islamic parties and in the next step can end in a social movement beyond the existing social structures then turkey will see all recent actions have gone to waste.


Turkish government's best is in understanding tangible facts of their society and having a wiser look at west's cunning policies and abandon the idea of joining the EU and return to its Turkish-Islamic identity and pursue the position they are after through improving regional bonds.


The perspective of tomorrow's election in Turkey shows that Turkish society has deep identity concerns and is remaining loyal to Islamic parties for the last time and will gradually turn their back to them if they do not reach favored results.


The hard core of culture which is values that are in close contact with religion, does not alter easily and this is the secret of survival of cultures in spite of all the propaganda and extremist theories about globalization.


The EU is aware of this fact and the consequences of joining Turkey, better than Turkish leaders. Newly in power European politicians such as Merkel in Germany and Sarkozy in France in no way agree to the idea of Turkey joining the EU and clearly take opposite positions and this shows that Turkey's efforts will have no result.


So for it is Kurd and Armenian minorities who have won the efforts to join Turkey to EU not the Turkish government and this exactly is what Europeans want since they really do not want to let Americans' "Trojan Horse" in their fortifications.


Contradictions between Turkey's foreign policies and conditions for joining EU is an issue which to be opened up itself which has to be done in another opportunity.