Christ Never Stopped at Gaza

18 August 2010 | 17:13 Code : 3580 Review
A note By Morteza Kazemian
Christ Never Stopped at Gaza
In his well-known book "Vom Kriege" –On War-, Karl von Clausewitz, the Prussian military strategist of 19th century, has clarified that war is a continuation of political commerce. Years later, Otto von Bismarck, the ’iron chancellor’, unifier and founder of the second German Empire, reiterated that war is much important to be left to men of military. Some years later, in the early years of the 20th century, Lenin predicted that wars and revolutions will determine the destiny of the second millennium, a prophecy which turned out to b true. In January 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt delivered his speech on Four Freedoms: freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion, freedom from want and freedom from fear. Decades have passed since Roosevelt’s speech, but fear still lingers across the world. Violence appears more horrifying and flagrant than ever. It paralyzes the nations and takes away the ability to decide on will.
Now in the 21st century, wars have still their ration of victims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, Congo… and on the brink of 2009, Gaza is plunged in darkness, hunger, fear, pain, suffer and blood.
The toll on Israel’s air assaults on Gaza has exceeded 300, with hundreds of injured civilians. Medical centers have serious problems with receiving and treating the wounded. People are treated in the corridors of hospitals and medical centers.
John Holmes, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, has called the situation in Gaza desperate. He has said that a blockade on borders means that food and medicine can’t enter Gaza. UNRWA Spokesman, Christopher Gunness has said that UN aids can’t reach 1.5 million residents of Gaza Strip, since the cargos are stopped at the borders. He has added that this will deteriorate the situation.
Hamas has threatened to restart suicide attacks in Israel’s territory and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has stated that the new hostility between Israelis and Palestinians will jeopardize chances of a peach process.
In his interview with Newsweek, Martin van Creveld, Israeli military historian had stated that 21st century wars are already around us. One characteristic of the new wars according to van Creveld was that they weren’t war between states, but between different organizations. He had also added that classic armies and modern heavy artillery won’t be used in future and that would be another blow to the classic armies.
In the most atrocious way, and completely against human rights, Israel has pounded Gaza with fighter jets and Hamas has promised to retaliate. The 33-day war with Hezbollah shows that Hamas’ promise isn’t so far-fetched. Their strong reaction is possible, though there’s no balance between the two sides’ power.
Violence brings violence and despite the roots of the crisis and causes of its reproduction, Gaza is going to be drowned in violence.
Christ’s birthday comes along not only with darkness, cold and hunger, but with blood in Gaza. How distant is peace-seeking prophet’s message of kindness and tolerance from the current situation!
Christ never stopped in Gaza.