On Our Way to Become an Ideal Nation

18 August 2010 | 17:14 Code : 3541 Editorial
A commentary by Seyed Sadreddin Qubanchi
On Our Way to Become an Ideal Nation
There are five principles which determine the course of activities for the Iraqi government; attitudes which are in fact foundations of Iraq’s political system and construct the new Iraq:
  1. a free political system based on the constitution;
  2. peaceful transition of power;
  3. unity and intimacy among parties and political groups;
  4. peaceful coexistence with regional and international communities;
  5. paying attention to Iraq’s culture and civilization that is intertwined with Islam.
A three-fold dictatorship ruled Iraq previously: tribal, racist and political. That is, the Baathi regime of Saddam Hussein, had constructed a political system consisting of tribal prejudice as the central core of power, which consumed all the capabilities of the nation for the good of Baath party.
But fortunately, now and in the new political system, the Iraqi nation can focus on unity, can decide for its own future and can think of prosperity itself. Religious leaders of Iraq have both political and religious provision and try to build a new Iraq which moves in the correct path, free from any tribal or political dictatorship.
The experience of new Iraq has been achieved after 35 of dictatorship over the country by the Baathi regime. So it is natural if there were some traces of the past in political dynamic of the country and hinder the progress of the Iraqi government and nation. It is simplistic to think that without any problems, Iraq will become a free, sovereign and rich country in one night, enjoying political diversity. Although this is the target Iraqis have chosen for themselves and move towards it courageously and with all power, remnants of the Baathi regime do not tolerate it, hence hindering the process. Meanwhile, the progressive movement of modern Iraq shouldn’t limit itself to opposition against the previous regime, but also to struggle against Arab destructive terrorist or tribal moves and the legacy of the Baath regime.
During the last six years, we recorded acceptable progress. During this period, we institutionalized our constitution, we stabilized our sovereignty, and we managed to take control of our own affairs in a short time; this wasn’t done even by countries like Japan and Germany after occupation. We gained significant success in war against terrorism and restoration of security. Progress in civil and financial fields is eye-catching. Political leaders are in accord with religious leadership and have the same opinion. There is also a perfect harmony among different ethnicities. Iraq can turn into a good example of a country that is governed by its nation, with no dark points. This target is not unachievable and we can acquire it fast.
On worries about the ruling elite, and other forces which participate in the political process I have to say, the ones who are afraid of competition among parties or joint governing of the country by Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds are in fact worried about themselves. They fear the will of the nation and its freedom. It is not easy for them to see a truly liberated country, with genuine diversity and pluralism, where believer and non-believer coexist without hurting each other. Fear has been spread since the fall of the Baathi regime and it is continuing up to now unfortunately. We shouldn’t pay attention to it.
The Iraqi nation wants to rule itself, that’s why it rejected all offers by foreign forces and domineering parties. The Iraqi nation established a system in which there are elections. This doesn’t exist in any Arab country. Naturally, this new Iraq concerns them, since in no country there is such freedom people enjoy in Iraq. The government is based on people’s vote and Shiite, Sunni and Kurd are included in it. Clearly such a political structure agitates dictatorship-loving Arabs. What we don’t pay attention to their concerns and move towards our goals courageously and earnestly. In a not-so-distant future we will become the perfect example for all freedom-seeking nations, in-sha-allah.