Barack Hossein, Rahm Israel and Machiavelli’s prince

18 August 2010 | 17:06 Code : 3189 General category
A note by Ataollah Mohajerani
Barack Hossein, Rahm Israel and Machiavelli’s prince
Barack Obama has a middle name which he does not use: Hossein. The reason is clear. That name brings his Muslim backgrounds to the mind. Now consider Rahm Emanuel, the Jew elected as White House chief of staff. He also has a middle name: Israel!
Obama tries to conceal his middle name but Rahm’s middle name is so famous. Now the question is: Why has Obama appointed Emanuel and sent such strong signal to the US, Israel, Muslims and the entire world? What was the necessity of appointing a Zionist Jew as the White House chief of staff?
Rahm’s father has been born in Jerusalem. He has been a member of a Jewish terrorist group called Irgun, and choosing the name "Rahm Israel" for his son is indicative of his inclination and objectives. A short while after Rahm (or as his friends call him, Rambo) was appointed as White House chief of staff, his father was quoted as saying to Israeli daily Maariv that: " Obviously, he will influence the President to be pro-Israel. Why shouldn’t he do it? What is he, an Arab? He’s not going to clean the floor of the White House."
Do you feel the contempt in his words?
So it was not surprising to see Haaretz daily’s first headline: "Our man in the White House".
Rahm Israel has been chosen with calculation and planning. Consider this: Three years ago, on September the 20th, a meeting was held in Washington to help raise funds for the patients suffering from epilepsy. At the same time, the meeting was meant to "roast" Rahm Emanuel and make fun. The points made by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in that meeting were not only funny but also purposeful. Hillary said Rahm liked to teach Hebrew to Bill Clinton and went to Israel to learn how to use weapons. 
But Obama went further to talk of Rahm Emanuel as "a wonderful politician, whose skills and instincts are extraordinary". He also said: "Very few people know prior to this evening that he studied Ballet for a few years. In fact, he was the first to adopt Machiavelli’s the prince for dance. It was an intriguing piece, as you can imagine, there were a lot of kicks below the waist. But as I think Rahm will tell you, ballet is actually great training for politics: he learned to leap, he learned to spin, he learned to splay his feet to the left and to the right so nobody knows which direction he’s heading in".
"Think about it, can you imagine someone with a weird name like Rahm Emanuel getting elected to Congress from Illinois? It’s astonishing."
"He doesn’t just talk about the Ten Commandments; he lives them.... with some modifications. The one, "Thou shall not kill," unless he’s a target. "Thou shall not covet," unless absolutely necessary. "
Then Obama refers to details about Rahm’s father and family. It is clear that he knows them so well. I mean Rahm’s appointment has been done purposefully, knowing him  as a Zionist Jew. One of the most important positions of Obama has been his criticism of Iraq war. But Rahm supported the war.
One can say even more that that. Just at the time that Clinton was pressing Israel to partially accept some rights of the Palestinian, there came Monica Lewinski. One of the behind-the-scene directors of this drama was Rahm Emanuel. At first, Lewinski was brought to the White House without earning a salary and then she became an employee. There were rumors that Rahm listened to Clinton’s phone calls...
Many people believe that Rahm is working for Mossad. We may not know lots of details, but still we can ask this question: Why has Obama chosen Rahm as his top colleague?
The answer is clear. Israel has penetrated the bones of the US state and government. When the Republicans and Neo-cons were the rulers, we witnessed active presence of Zionist Jews in the government. Obama was leaning on his slogan of Change. But he also appointed Rahm Emanuel. So what is the change all about?
The point Obama made about Ballet dance and politics and Machiavelli’s Prince is mostly concerning himself rather than Rahm Emanuel. He is the ballerina who does not know which way to go. He is known for left-wing policies but is acting as a right-wing politician!
Rahm Emanuel has a very particular expression for US-Israel relation. He does not call it strategic. He does not say that the US and Israel are allies. He says their relation is "vital". Like the brain and the heart whose relation is vital and one can not continue without the other, except for a plant life.
So we are witnessing a new reading of Machiavelli’s the prince in Obama government. They are playing the prince in a ballet dance.