Iran, America and France

25 June 2007 | 15:41 Code : 257 General category
The First Cut of Political Ties between Iran and America and France


On 31 March 1936, Iranian government cut its political ties with the US and Iranian embassy in Washington and consulates in New York and Chicago were closed and diplomats were called back to Tehran.


                                               براى مطالعه متن فارسى اين مطلب اينجا را کليک کنيد 


The main reason was that the police had insulted Iranian plenipotentiary in the US. Ghafar Jalal Ala, the Iranian plenipotentiary and his English wife were heading to party in Maryland and not to arrive late, they had ordered their chauffeur to speed.


 A police officer tried to stop them but they ignored the police warning and kept speeding but the police officer at last stopped them.


The officer had an insulting behavior. Iranian plenipotentiary had to introduce himself and remind the officer of their political immunity and that the police couldn’t stop them but the officer put hand-cuffs on him and took them to the police station and after questioning them, sent them back to Washington.


 After the news of the event was reported by American press and it was discussed, it was stated that breaking the rules is a crime no matter who commits it and criticized the Iranian plenipotentiary’s behavior. As Reza Shah got informed, he ordered that all political ties with the US had to be cut.


Cut of Political Ties with France


 In December 1936, a French newspaper published an article titled as “Iranian Dictator” and Called Reza Shah a dictator from the east. It was written in the article that his record was like a myth. “How can an ordinary military officer suddenly become the Commander in chief of all armed forces and then become prime minister and at last with a sudden change in the title succeeded to Darius’s throne?”


 The author criticized the change of Pahlavi hats to western ones and the violence against women who still wore chadors and mentioned them as side-effects of dictatorship in the east. Reza Shah was angry with the article and ordered that political ties with France had to be cut. Abolghassem Forouhar, Iranian plenipotentiary in France was called back to Tehran and beaten by Shah.


 Colonel Ali Riazi, Iranian military attaché in France who had nothing to do with the issue, was also called back, stripped off his rank and transferred to the ministry of culture. The situation continued till the crown prince’s wedding ceremony when the French president, Albert Lubern, suggested resumption of the relations between the two countries.