Why Can't Iran be Isolated

Our revolution was in fact our people's attempt to reach democracy, independence and avoid foreign domination and differs from other movements around the world and has a new message for the whole world.
Environment and its changes have an important role in different countries and of course ours, so different countries determine their rules according to certain mechanisms in different time periods.
In a country like ours which its geography has turned it to a very strategic and one of the most important places in the world, even if Iran wants to become recluse the conditions of neighbor countries and its geography will not let this happen. Therefore, it is very important to know about environment for it can determine the rules of the game in international environment. In international environment the connection between countries is based on their perception about others and the image they have from other players of the game is crucially important and can determine threats and opportunities.
Therefore, it is necessary to fully understand norms and consequences so future actions can be determined according to them.
Our revolution was in fact our people's attempt to reach democracy, independence and avoid foreign domination and differs from other movements around the world and has a new message for the world for it occurred because of the religious concerns of the people who had experienced development with a different pattern for about half a century. So the message of our revolution to the world was that we want a new system in our international relations.
Our attitude to some international issues has had certain costs for us. However, in developed regimes policy making is based on ration. This means that a rational mind evaluates the costs and benefits of any action before taking it and will never accept to take an action which has more costs than benefits. To take position about certain issues, we have taken actions which have influenced our national benefits.
How many institutes have we formed in our country to study about America or Israel?
What scientific actions have we taken to identify enemies? What have we done to identify their benefits and threats? Israel's most important concern in the middle-east is security and is benefiting from magnification of insecurity in the region. However, we determine our actions based on unreal hypothesis.
We live in a country that has all the potentials and capacity to be influential in the region but what we do is looking after good relationship with Armenia whereas
Azarbaijan is much closer to us based on cultural factors. This shows that it is not ration or national benefits that determine the factors of our foreign policy.
Foreign policy issues have their own framework and it is a mistake to try to use other countries as role-model and try to do what they do.
When America was considering attacking Iraq, their slogan was exporting democracy, whereas everyone knew their main aim was using Iraq's energy resources. However, this year America, England and Europe unanimously announced that first priority of the forces in Iraq has to be providing security for this country.
The point here is if security had been the main concern in Iraq, Saddam could have provided that better.
Our foreign policy is to some extent passive and as long as national will has no effect on internal affairs, it will not have any effects on our foreign policy. Democracy has not yet reached an acceptable level in Iran so it is natural that in the process of changes the above-mentioned gaps and paradoxes come to light. What matters is discovering the root of these gaps.
In our country foreign policy is made by a specific group and it is not based on discussion and fundamental studies.
If we look at politics as if we are planning and make strategies, then we can have suitable strategies for certain stages. That is why we have made a plan for our internal affairs with a 20-year term of action, this means that our actions have to be in line with this policy, but unfortunately we do not accept the necessities and what it takes to take this path.