Raeisi urges boosting trade ties, cooperation with Vietnam, Lithuania

Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi called for the expansion of trade ties and cooperation with Vietnam and Lithuania in separate meetings with the two countries’ new ambassadors to Tehran on Monday to receive their credentials.
In his talks with Vietnamese Ambassador Luong Quoc Huy, Raeisi said the present level of cooperation and bilateral relations fails to be in proportion to the two countries’ diverse capacities, president.ir reported.
Describing bilateral ties as friendly, he added holding the joint economic cooperation commission meetings regularly can be of great contribution to working out solutions for using the two sides’ capacities and potentials in agriculture, technology and transport sectors.
Iranians know the Vietnamese as the people who have stood up to U.S. colonialism and hegemony, Raeisi said, noting that the two countries have close stances in this regard.
He stressed that history will never forget U.S. crimes against the Vietnamese nation.
The Vietnamese envoy said Iranians are peaceful people who have a rich culture, civilization and history.
He noted that despite years of pressure and sanctions, the people of Iran have made great progress and brilliant achievements.
The ambassador praised the Iranian administration for its active foreign policy and prioritizing development of relations with all countries of the region and the world, saying Hanoi has always had good ties with Tehran and is making efforts to boost the level of cooperation, particularly in the economic and trade fields.
In his meeting with Lithuania’s Ambassador to Tehran Ricardas Degutis, Raeisi said the two countries have numerous and diverse capacities for improving bilateral relations and economic and trade cooperation.
Degutis said his country is willing to see an increase in relations and the level of economic and trade cooperation between Iran and the European Union states, including Lithuania, noting that the ground is prepared for the further development of relations between the EU and the Islamic Republic.
Source: Iran Daily