JCPOA talks would be concluded in Rouhani admin, says Foreign Ministry

The sides have reached "a clear text" about all issues and what remains needs “political decision” from all sides, Saeed Khatibzadeh told reporters at his weekly press briefing.
Iran and the 4+1 group (China, Russia, Britain, France plus Germany) have been holding talks in Vienna, Austria, since about three months ago to reach agreement on removal of anti-Iran sanctions and possible return of the U.S. to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) from which Washington withdrew unilaterally in May 2018.
The U.S. is participating in the talks indirectly as Iran has refused talks with the U.S. until Washington rejoins the JCPOA and lift sanctions in a verifiable manner.
If this political decision is taken, the next talks can be the last round, the spokesman said.
Touching upon the June 18 presidential election in Iran, the spokesman said so far 48 presidents, parliament speakers and senior figures have extended congratulations to the president-elect, Ebrahim Raisi, during the past 48 hours.
Participation of people in the election in and out of the country carried positive messages, Khatibzadeh underlined.
With near 18 million votes out of about 29 million, Raisi won the 13th presidential election in Iran.
Asked whether agreement on a revival of the JCPOA has been postponed to tenure of next government, the spokesman said such reports and speculations are far from reality.
Iran does not intend to delay the possibility of lifting the sanctions, Khatibzadeh noted.
And it is Supreme Leader's policy which is being continued by the negotiating team, he added.
Asked if there is possibility of reaching agreement in Vienna during President Rouhani's tenure, the spokesman said diplomats are optimistic about the issue; however, it is too soon to judge as the political decisions to be taken by all sides are of paramount importance.
"The nuclear text has no ambiguities"
About the recent remarks made by U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan, the spokesman said talks will never be held on a new JCPOA.
Iran will not be satisfied with anything more or less than the JCPOA, he stressed.
Turning to the issue of Afghanistan, Khatibzadeh said that Iran follows developments in Afghanistan with concern.
He went on to say that Tehran invites all Afghan sides to reduce tension, remain committed to intra-Afghan peace talks, and respect rights of minorities.
About the new government's policy on the JCPOA, he said all will see that Iran's principled policies will continue during Raisi's presidency.
the Zionist regime’s media outlets have launched smear campaign against the president-elect.
The Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the Zionist media have nothing to do but damage the face of presidents elected by the Iranian nation.
“Raisi is the voice of the reason of the system”
The spokesman said Raisi has served in different important posts. For example, he said, Raisi was a member of the Supreme National Security for some years.
“He is the wise of voice of the establishment,” the Foreign Ministry spokesman remarked.
“Zarif and Raisi meet for 90 minutes”
Khatibzadeh also said Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif had a meeting with President-elect Raisi for 90 minutes on Monday morning during which good talks took place about the JCPOA and foreign policy. The spokesman said the meeting was request by Raisi.
The Foreign Ministry spokesman also confirmed that is quite correct that Iran is seeking “guarantees” that the U.S will not quit the JCPOA again. However, he said the details cannot be discussed openly.
Iran has repeatedly said that it would immediately return to its commitments based on the JCPOA as soon as the U.S. did so.
About Iran's readiness to send an ambassador to Riyadh, the spokesman expressed hope that talks would reach tangible outcome for establishment of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Source:Tehran Times