Many books can be written on crimes of arrogant armies:Leader

In a tweet on the occasion of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima by the US, Ayatollah Khamenei said, "In August 1945, the United States instantly killed 100,000 people with an atomic bomb in the city of Hiroshima!"
"This is the nature of an arrogant, irreligious, atheistic ,and immoral army."
"If one wants to talk about the crimes of the armies of the arrogant powers, several books can and should be written."
The United States detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively, with the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict.
Source: Tehran Times