Iran-Oman Joint Chamber of Commerce inks co-op MOU with IMH

The MOU was signed by the Head of Iran-Oman Joint Chamber of Commerce Mohsen Zarabi and IMH Head Mohammadreza Bahraman, the portal of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) reported on Sunday.
As reported, the mentioned MOU is aimed at helping Iranian companies active in the field of mining to expand their presence in the Omani market, while increasing the export of mineral products through Oman, facilitating joint ventures, and also to form specialized mining committees.
Speaking in the signing ceremony, Zarabi pointed to Oman’s ninth five-year development plan which is focused on five major axes of mining, industry, tourism, fisheries, transportation, and logistics and said: “Mining is one of the most important axes of this five-year plan.”
The official also noted that by signing this memorandum, the Iran-Oman Joint Chamber intends to inform IMH about the projects, tenders and exploration zones of Oman, deploy trade delegations from the Iran Mine House to exhibitions and trade talks to Oman, inform the Omani side about Iran’s mining capacities and capabilities, provide consulting for the private sector while building infrastructure and providing facilities for them to be present in Oman.
Collaboration with IMH in solving the problems of businessmen active in Oman, holding training courses on Oman laws and regulations and how to enter the Omani market, establishing a specialized mining committee under the Joint Chamber Technical, Engineering and Investment Services Committee for trade with Oman, were some of the other goals of the MOU mentioned by the official.
Bahraman, also expressed his satisfaction with the signing of the first memorandum of understanding between Iran Mining House and a joint chamber and said: "Certainly, this will be the beginning of new activities with other joint chambers."
Source: Tehran Times