Leader agrees with president’s request to extend discussion on FATF

Two of FATF conventions -the Palermo and Terrorist Financing Conventions – have not been ratified yet, and were put on the shelf for some time.
But the government of Rouhani seems to be once again pushing for enacting them. Last week, Mohsen Rezaee, the secretary of the Expediency Council, said that the Rouhani cabinet is working to return the FATF conventions to the Council. Rezaee also said that the Rouhani cabinet has sent a letter to the Leader in this regard.
On Monday, Laya Joneydi, the vice president for legal affairs, confirmed that the cabinet sent a letter to the Leader, saying Ayatollah Khamenei has given the Council the green light to discuss the FATF conventions.
According to Jonyedi, the Rouhani government has presented “legal solutions” to pave the way for ratifying the FATF Conventions.
Source: Tehran Times