Strategic action plan ‘not against national interests’: SNSC

In a statement on Saturday, the SNSC emphasized that all procedures relating to the new law have taken place in accordance with the Parliament’s regulations and customary norms.
It also noted that its secretariat believes the new law does not cause any specific problem that may be to the detriment of national interests, Tasnim reported.
The SNSC called on all parties to end the futile debates, warning that it will not allow anybody to play with national interests.
Iranian Parliament on Tuesday passed the outlines of a plan aimed at lifting the anti-Iran sanctions and protecting the rights of the Iranian nation.
According to the 9-article bill, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) will be required to produce and store at least 120 kilograms of enriched uranium with 20 percent purity at the Fordow nuclear facility every year, and to fulfil the country’s peaceful industrial demands with uranium enriched above 20%.
The bill became a law as the oversight Guardian Council approved it by asking the parliament to make some amendments to it. It will oblige the AEOI to increase the monthly output of enriched uranium for various peaceful purposes with different purity levels by at least 500 kg.
The bill entails uranium enrichment activities with at least 1,000 IR-2M centrifuge machines at Natanz within three months after the ratification of the law, and compels the AEOI to launch uranium enrichment as well as research and development activities with at least 164 IR-6 centrifuges and increase the number of centrifuge machines to 1,000 within a year after the ratification of the bill.
The Rouhani administration has criticized the new action plan, saying it may create problems in Iran’s foreign relations.
“Regarding the Majlis nuclear plan, the relevant governmental bodies were not consulted and it may cause problems in the implementation process, as well as problems in foreign relations,” presidential chief of staff Mahmoud Vaezi told reporters on Wednesday on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting.
“During today’s cabinet meeting, some of our time was spent discussing the plan on the nuclear issue which was raised in the Parliament yesterday morning and afternoon,” he added.
He explained that most cabinet members were concerned over the plan, because the ministries were not consulted, adding that the plan is immature.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said earlier that the Rouhani administration has voiced its opposition to the plan.
“We have no doubt that the members of the Majlis are pursuing the rights of the nation,” Khatibzadeh said on Tuesday during a virtual press conference. “But the administration has expressed its views on this plan and has stressed that it does not agree with the plan.”
He said the Rouhani administration’s stance is that the plan is not “necessary” and “useful”, and it is not clear that the rights of the Iranian people will be protected through the move.
“Unfortunately, our views have not been reflected and the Majlis has taken a different path. We hope that the expert opinions of the Foreign Ministry will be taken into account,” the spokesman added.
Source: Tehran Times