The world looks as Pompeo mocks international law

It was the first such visit by a top U.S. official.
Media outlets said Pompeo’s visit broke with decades of U.S. policy toward settlements in the West Bank.
After visiting the occupied West Bank, Pompeo took a helicopter to the Golan Heights, again celebrating the Trump administration’s foreign policy, which recognized Israeli sovereignty in the territory taken from Syria in 1967.
At a winery in the occupied West Bank, Pompeo also said the U.S. would label settlement products as "made in Israel".
Again he made another surprising remarks, saying the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel, commonly known as BDS, will be regarded as “anti-Semitic”.
Moreover, he described the BDS movement, which tries to pressure Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories, as a "cancer".
Contrary to what Pompeo claims, his approach in general is cancerous and his support for unlawful settlements lead to anti-Semitism and extremism.
What Pompeo is doing or saying is rejected by many Jews in Israel and outside. He is basically an ideologically-driven person who supports Zionism and not Jews.
Moreover, he mocked UN Security Council resolutions that clearly state that Israel must withdraw from the lands it has occupied by force.
That he called settlements “part of Israel" and "a recognition of the reality" was an insult to the reason of the world in the world.
According to CNN, in the Golan Heights, Pompeo visited Mount Bental and said, “This is a part of Israel and a central part of Israel."
One wonders how unashamedly he is manipulating the facts by calling the stolen lands as part of Israel.
His maddening remarks that settlements are a recognition of reality is nothing except pursuing a new Machiavellianism in the 21st century. This is like killing a person with prior planning and then try to say it is a reality and the murderer should go unpunished.
In his tour of the West Bank, the chief diplomat who will be remembered as the promoter of motivator of illegal acts, said, "Today the United States Department of State stands strongly to the recognition that settlements can be done in a way that are lawful and appropriate and proper."
According to Pompeo’s ideology, now any country can capture and annex another country’s land and then describe it as legal and justifiable. According to this ideology, violation of international law is permissible and justifiable.
This man that Trump picked as his chief diplomat adopted such an annoying approach toward Iran’s nuclear accord backed by the UN Security Council. He and his master Trump, who was a disaster for the world, demonized Iran’s legal nuclear work and adopted a Machiavellian ideology toward Iran within their “maximum pressure” policy.
The inaction by the international community in four years of Trump’s presidency encouraged his administration to replace international law with violation of international law. Trump and his secretary of state’s records have also done a great blow to the Republicans.
It was essential that the world react strongly to Pompeo’s visits to the stolen Palestinian and Syrian lands. The countries across the world should feel assured that acting passively in the face of such acts, which are a flagrant violation of international law, will make them look impotent and shameful in the eyes of the next generations.
Source: Tehran Times