BBC Attempting to ‘Sow Distrust’ in Minds of Iranians over COVID-19: US Analyst

“Clearly the BBC Persian news is attempting to sow distrust and suspicion in the minds of the Iranian people towards their government by suggesting the Iranian government and leaders are hiding information from the people (and) therefore are deceiving the people in order to suppress the people from rising up,” Scott Bennett, from San Francisco, told Tasnim in an interview.
Scott Bennett is a US Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), and a global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, formerly with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. He received a Direct Commission as an Officer, held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI) security clearance, and worked in the highest levels of international counterterrorism in Washington DC and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. He has developed and managed psychological warfare theories, products, and operations for US Special Operations Command, US Central Command, the State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, and other government agencies.
His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Spanish Minor from San Jose State University in California, a Master of Arts in International Business and Public Policy from George Mason University in Virginia, and a Ph.D. (ABD) in Political Theory from the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. He currently resides in California.
Following is the full text of the interview:
Tasnim: Mark Dubowitz, Chief Executive of Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), said on Twitter last Tuesday that coronavirus has halted Iran’s non-oil exports, achieving “what American economic sanctions could not.” Why do you think some US officials are cheering for this deadly virus to spread - and enjoy seeing Iranian people suffer?
Bennett: The current “Coronovirus” is simply another propaganda campaign engineered and strategically communicated by the Israeli Zionists and neocon-zionist fanatics who have infiltrated the White House--and large parts of the American government and military for that matter. Sadly, the American government—not the people—seem to have an obsession, or demonic delusion, to attack, corrupt, and destroy the pure, holy, righteous, and religious people, institutions, and nations in the world. For this reason, they are hysterically committed to harming Iran in any way possible. This is painfully obvious when reviewing list of Zionists who pushed America into war using the false flag 9-11 attacks (which they also tried to blame on Iran, as ridiculous as it sounds), which include Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Larry Silverstein, Michael Chertoff, and of course Dov Zakheim, who was my boss at Booz Allen Hamilton when I was a terrorist finance analyst there. Dov Zakheim planned the attack on the Pentagon in order to destroy an audit of $2.3 trillion dollars that had been stolen and re-directed to Israel, as reported by US Army Colonel Jeffrey Jones. Zakheim conspired to create false reports and propaganda about Iran, and funnel it through his Mossad-CIA government channels in order to give it the deceptive shine of truth. His son, Roger Zakheim, also worked at the Armed Services Committee at the House of Representatives and then the terrorist financing law firm Covington and Burling to continue this propaganda. Of course, it was all lies. So the coronavirus is a newly developed information operation designed to both split apart the Russian-Iranian-Chinese alliance, and refresh the Zionist-Saudi-Turkey plan to destabilize the Shiite region with extremist Wahhabi-Salafi-terrorist mercenaries, financed largely by their Zionist-Saudi-Qatari base.
Tasnim: In another outrageous and unfounded claim, Dubowitz said that Tehran has “spread terrorism” in the Middle East and “now it’s spreading the coronavirus.” Do you believe this is Tehran that is spreading terrorism in the region?
Bennett: Iran has no participation in the coronavirus issue, except being the target of the Zionist elements seeking to weaponize it.
It must also be remembered that the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) has nothing to do with democracy, freedom, or anything associated with the flourishing of humanity and civilization. It is instead a camouflage and image used to distort and blind public perception to their true nature and agenda: the subjugation of the world and its resources to a Zionist centered cabal which wages war by deception (according to Israeli Mossad instructions) and seeks shelter in America. FDD has its funding largely from Zionist donors and agendas.
Most of the major donors are active philanthropists to 'pro-Israel' causes both in the US and internationally. With the disclosure of its donor rolls, it becomes increasingly apparent that FDD’s advocacy of US military intervention in the Middle East, its hawkish stance against Iran, and its defense of right-wing Israeli policy is consistent with its donors’ interests in 'pro-Israel' advocacy.
FDD also has a blatant anti-Iran policy led by CEO Mark Dubowitz. FDD's Iran Program states blatantly that it seeks to "address the threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran to America and its allies, FDD conducts detailed research, develops actionable and comprehensive policy options, and appears regularly in media." FDD says it does this through attacking Iran's "most vulnerable points: its worldwide media operations, its standing in the United States and Europe, its finances, and its efforts to support terrorist activities abroad". Specifically, FDD concerns itself with Iran's nuclear ambitions through its Iran Energy Project and (what it calls) Iran's human rights abuses through its Iran Human Rights Project.
In 2008, FDD founded the Iran Energy Project which "conducts extensive research on ways to deny the Iranian regime the profits of its energy sector". The Wall Street Journal credited FDD with bringing "the idea of gasoline sanctions to political attention." FDD's bi-partisan approach to advocating sanctions legislation has earned praise from Congressmen in both parties. Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA), another anti-Iran Zionist, thanked the organization saying "FDD has been one the most committed and creative voices in Washington regarding the Iran nuclear issue and specifically Iran sanctions". FDD's efforts to target the Iranian regime's finances has gone beyond energy sanctions. The organization pushed for sanctions against the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its use of the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) to perform transactions. According to The Wall Street Journal, FDD "has done most of the spadework on the issue".
Tasnim: Growing economic pressure on Iran has hampered the country’s efforts to confront the outbreak of coronavirus as health bodies face restrictions importing test kits to detect the infection. What are your thoughts on this?
Bennett: The coronavirus and all of the reports and claims surrounding it should be viewed as a hostile Western propaganda campaign seeking to exploit an artificially manufactured emergency to influence the thoughts and behaviors of Iran and China. Although there may be legitimate and dangerous aspects to this issue, it should be scrutinized from a variety of positions, one of which from a propaganda view and its effect on social-political-economic control, which always precedes military operations. It is very noteworthy and to me extremely suspicious that the American military managers have sought to change the Army uniform back to the original World War 2 design, which suggests to me that the American military-industrial complex and Zionist influences are seeking to position the US as once again fighting against the Axis powers—only this time it will be Russia-Iran-China. Theoretically, this will be followed by all kinds of “war movies” resurrecting the culture and ideas that existed between 1935 and 1945.
Most importantly, the coronavirus is being increasingly researched and exposed by independent scientists and alternative media journalists as not a biological virus which haphazardly arose out of unsanitary conditions in Chinese markets or animal sickness cross-over, but rather may, in fact, be directly related to the “5G” technology which has been recklessly deployed throughout much of the Western world—including the city of Wuhan, China. It is being reported that the 5G frequencies have an extremely damaging effect on the human immune system, which is being largely covered-up for-profit purposes and may also be part of the larger “population control” agenda of many. This is the most important element of both 5G and the coronavirus, and what will follow is a mass hysteria demanding “vaccinations” for the virus, and enrichment of pharmaceutical companies. The result, of course, would be a mass infection of humanity with vaccines that in reality will reduce the population by triggering all kinds of sicknesses, immune disorders, cancers, and mental retardation in children.
Indeed this is a time when nothing the Western media can be believed, and everything should be analyzed from the “war propaganda” viewpoint. To fail to do so is to invite war by failing to challenge the lies that cause it.
Tasnim: Many countries in the region, including Saudi Arabia, refuse to announce the exact number of coronavirus deaths in their countries. This is while certain media outlets (BBC Persian for instance) are claiming that the death toll in Iran “could be far higher” than the government is letting on, blaming Iran for being untruthful. What is behind this misinformation campaign and media hype?
Bennett: The refusal to provide exact death information is an attempt to evade an audit and matching of the names of the dead people or victims with the names of living people. People who may have died by other means and often used to artificially generated death lists or exaggerate them to inspire fear and distrust and panic in populations. This is often done in the false flag shootings the Mossad orchestrate in America and Europe. Clearly the BBC Persian news is attempting to sow distrust and suspicion in the minds of the Iranian people towards their government by suggesting the Iranian government and leaders are hiding information from the people, therefore, are deceiving the people in order to suppress the people from rising up. At the same time this is an attempt to create an artificial protest in Iran that might be exaggerated and inflated into becoming a false national uprising or political regime change demand as a result of the coronavirus propaganda, which is the standard strategy the West uses as seen in Syria.
Source: Tasnim