West Continues to Target Iran As It Refuses to Be A 'Puppet' Nation: US Researcher

"Iran is one of the few remaining independent nation-states that are politically independent of this globalist agenda. These are the main reasons why Iran is consistently targeted by the West through disinformation campaigns, economic warfare, and as we saw recently---assassination. Coronavirus is new on the scene and its origins and growing influence remain a mystery to the general public, journalists, and at least most scientists. It’s not out of the question that the coronavirus phenomenon is a deliberate attempt by the globalists to increase their power and influence over the world. It is certainly consistent with their standard behaviors," Walt Peretto told Tasnim in an interview.
Walt Peretto is an American writer, researcher, analyst, and sociopolitical psychologist. He is a regular contributor to Press TV and he writes for several online news magazines. He is also working on a book that will introduce the groundwork for sociopolitical psychology which is the study of the behaviors behind social systems and their interactions.
Following is the full text of the interview.
Tasnim: Mark Dubowitz, Chief Executive of Washington-based Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), said on Twitter last Tuesday that coronavirus has halted Iran’s non-oil exports, achieving “what American economic sanctions could not.” Why do you think some US officials are cheering for this deadly virus to spread – and enjoy seeing Iranian people suffer؟
Peretto: The world is inflicted with a disease that is much more influential and dangerous than any airborne viral pathogen to date. This disease is genetic in origin and called clinical (primary) psychopathy. It is characterized by an innate inability to feel the normal emotions of empathy, guilt, or remorse. In sum, psychopaths can not identify with, nor feel the suffering of others. Over many millennia some psychopaths have formed ruling families that consistently produce progeny that are born psychopathic and are ‘trained’ to carry on the family ‘businesses.’ Their core goals are to dominate and control all aspects of life on Earth for self-serving means. Many of these elite psychopaths are intelligent enough to understand that these goals cannot be reached overnight. They understand that this is a long-term multigenerational effort. Global hard currencies are created and regulated by these financial elites and used as a means to influence and control economies, media, and ultimately populations. Mark Dubowitz is clearly representing the pathological aspirations of these global one-world government proponents. Iran is one of the few remaining independent nation-states that are politically independent of this globalist agenda. These are the main reasons why Iran is consistently targeted by the West through disinformation campaigns, economic warfare, and as we saw recently---assassination. Coronavirus is new on the scene and its origins and growing influence remain a mystery to the general public, journalists, and at least most scientists. It’s not out of the question that the coronavirus phenomenon is a deliberate attempt by the globalists to increase their power and influence over the world. It is certainly consistent with their standard behaviors. These are the same pathological mind-sets responsible for the 9/11 attacks that they falsely blamed on the Muslim world. Since the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the Muslim/Arab world has become the target group for diverting attention off global organized psychopathy. Dubowitz is their agent using the research institute (think-tank) methodology in the form of FDD.
Tasnim: In another outrageous and unfounded claim, Dubowitz said that Tehran has “spread terrorism” in the Middle East and “now it’s spreading the coronavirus” Do you believe it is Tehran that is spreading terrorism in the region?
Peretto: If Tehran was led by a hand-picked puppet of the globalists as it was in the days of the Shah---Dubowitz would be parading Iran as a model of ‘democracy.’ But since Iran is independent of the globalist vision---they are naturally going to be targeted as a purveyor of terror and disease. This is not a difficult task since the globalists own virtually every major mainstream news source in the nations they control. This means that billions of people are receiving their ‘official’ news and information from sources controlled by pathological one world proponents. The internet age has given rise to an unprecedented free flow of information that has created factually based outlets that compete with the mainstream media. These internet sources have offered the common people an alternative to incessant monopolistic propaganda and disinformation. Since the globalists (control) the mainstream media, they can project their worldview to billions on a daily basis, while the truth media is slower to actually accumulate and vet the facts before reporting. This gives the globalists a tactical advantage by being ‘first on the scene. So the Dubowitz accusation that Iran is spreading terrorism and coronavirus can be instantly disseminated for consumption by billions of people without vetting and verification. This incessant disregard for facts has turned much of the public into news zombies who can’t process the contradiction of the Dubowitz claims that coronavirus has ‘halted Iran’s non-oil exports’ while Iran is simultaneously spreading the disease.
Tasnim: Growing economic pressure on Iran has hampered the country’s efforts to confront the outbreak of coronavirus as health bodies face restrictions importing test kits to detect the infection. What are your thoughts on this?
Peretto: I read a report that health scientists in Iran are in the final stages of developing coronavirus test kits. Hopefully, this is the case. I just want to add that the pathological globalists only recognize currencies that they create and control. The global market pays Iran hard (globalist recognized) currency in exchange for oil. This currency is the US Dollar which the entire world uses to exchange oil. This ensures demand for the US Dollar which is backed by nothing of substance and created out of thin air by the globalists. This ensures control of the US economy through the Federal Reserve System which is not part of the US government and is largely under foreign control. Iran’s currency is strategically undervalued by the financial globalists which coerce Iran to export oil in exchange for globalist recognized ‘hard’ currency. By impeding oil exports, Iran’s economy suffers. This plays into the hand of the globalist desire for regime change in Tehran and Iran’s absorption into the one-world government vision. In conclusion, we can’t rule out the possibility that the spread of coronavirus is another high crime of the globalists. As witnessed with Dubowitz’s contradiction, Iran is not responsible for the spread of coronavirus. With regard to terrorism, Iran has been at the forefront of fighting it, not spreading it. This is the reason why Gen. Soleimani was assassinated.
Tasnim: Many countries in the region, including Saudi Arabia, refuse to announce the exact number of coronavirus deaths in their countries. This is while certain media outlets (like BBC Persian) are claiming that the death toll in Iran could be far higher than the government is letting on, blaming Iran for being untruthful. What is behind this disinformation campaign?
Peretto: Any nation that asserts independence from the one-world government vision is systematically chastised. In these cases, double-standards become standard. If Saudi Arabia engages in human rights abuses, it is OK...boys will be boys. If an independent country like Iran, Venezuela, or Syria continues to resist one-world government---they are accused of behaviors that are common among the New World Order nations. It's very contradictory and hypocritical. Iran has been a target of propaganda and misinformation by the West ever since they brought down the Shah in 1979. Iran was left alone for a while as the West gobbled up Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya after the 9/11 Zio-Neocon attacks were falsely blamed on the Muslim/Arab world. The false script written for 9/11 portrayed hijacker scenarios using 'Saudis,' yet invaded Afghanistan and Iraq in 'retaliation.' It is finally Iran's turn, so they are now incessantly targeted. This would be a joke if it wasn't so serious and deadly. The remedy is to disregard the Western mainstream media and research available information independently and use one's own mind if one values truth over a comfortable but false belief system.
Source: Tasnim