Turkey's adventurism in Syria has dire consequences for Erdogan

Since Saturday, the Syrian army along with Resistance Forces has launched various operations against the joint positions of terrorists and the Turkish military, which had initiated massive military aggression in the north of Syria. In the past few days, a huge number of terrorists and Turkish military servicemen have been killed and many of their weapons and vehicles destroyed by the Syrian army. Syria's air defense systems have reportedly shot down more than seven military drones. In this operation, large areas occupied by the terrorists and the Turkish military have been freed.
The joint attacks led by the Turkish military and the terrorists begun after Erdogan convinced Russia to halt its air operations in Syria for a short period of time. The Syrian army, as previously warned, launched a series of attacks without the Russian air support on the joint positions of the Turkish military and the terrorists which caused heavy damage and casualties.
The strong response from the Syrian army and the Resistance Front indicates that Syria has strengthened its air defense systems with Iran’s aid and is able to not only counter Turkish military aggressions but also inflict major defeats on them. The timely and decisive action of the Syrian army along with the Resistance Front in Idlib against foreign attacks also implies that the Resistance Front can help win the war on Syria.
The Turkish government is struggling with various domestic problems and Erdogan is currently in a difficult situation. Erdogan’s success in the Justice and Development Party (AK) is not assured, even though he still has significant influence in there. But losing members such as Abdullah Gül and Ahmet Davutoğlu is not considered a simple warning. Other political circles in Turkey, which are deeply concerned about Erdogan’s choices regarding national security and interests, are also seen as very serious critics. Devaluation of the lira and the economic problems resulting from it have also increased Erdogan's challenges.
Erdogan has sought the solution to domestic problems in expanding external presence. That is why the country has increased its presence in foreign countries. Military presence in Qatar, Libya and also aggression in Iraq and recently Syria are all evaluated in the same framework.
The Turkish government seems to regard the continuation of insecurity in Syria and Iraq as an opportunity within US policy, and this way, not only exaggerates many domestic problems but also expects to resolve some of its economic issues. Currently, the US has control over the most important oil wells in Syria and the oil is sold through Turkey. This issue is also seen in the case of illegal selling of Iraq’s oil by the Kurdistan Region under US supervision.
Analysts maintain that Erdogan's actions have grave consequences for his country. Turkey’s taking advantage of the regional situation especially the Syrian crisis cannot last long. The Syrian army has gained control over a large part of Syria and will free the whole country in the near future.
No longer the US troops will be safe neither in Iraq nor Syria and are forced to leave the region in a short time. A new order will emerge in the region in which Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and Yemen play the key roles. Those who rely on trans-regional powers will have a lot to lose.
Analysts also believe that Turkey would suffer from more challenges in the future if Erdogan continued to make the wrong choices. Undoubtedly, he does not lead the country to a bright future.
Source: Mehr