American Analyst: Oman Gulf Oil Tankers Attack Standard False Flag Operation

Alexander Mericas, Journalist and Political Commentator, says the attacks on the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman was done by the US or Israel proxies to ratchet up the drive to war with Iran.
In an exclusive interview with FNA, Alexander Maricas said Washington and Tel Aviv intentionally did this operation in a way that there remains no doubt it was done by them, to warn the world leaders that “the Israeli-American war machine is ready to use force against its own allies”.
Below is the full text of the interview:
Q: How do you find the attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman?
A: The attack on the Japanese tanker was a standard false flag attack, done by proxies of the United States or Israel. This had the standard goal of ratcheting up the drive to war. It did appear completely ridiculous on its face, but in America, we are dealing with a situation where anyone who questions the narrative put out by the Zionist media is censored, so the majority of the population is only ever exposed to very accomplished liars saying very absurd things.
Secondarily, attacking a Japanese ship while the Japanese Prime Minister is in Iran appears to be an attempt to menace Japan for daring to try to mediate this manufactured conflict. On that level, it was a threat not only to Japan, but to any third party who would dare interfere with Israeli-American foreign policy goals, and so I think they wanted it to be obviously fake. The US and Israeli intelligence services are highly sophisticated, and they absolutely could have staged a false flag that did not appear this ridiculous. This was a low stakes event where there was no real risk of casualties, which can be easily forgotten as the news cycle switches gears. However, the leaders of the world got the message that the Israeli-American war machine is ready to use force against its own allies.
Q: How do you perceive the future of a war between the United States and Iran, if it ever breaks out?
A: Iran will not lose this war because the US cannot win this war. The American people are simply not prepared for the kind of death and destruction that would result from this war. The American military is accustomed to harassing and bullying much less sophisticated countries than Iran.
Launching a war against Iran will signal the end of the American empire. The United States will be humiliated on the global stage, and will eventually have to simply give up. However, there would obviously be huge numbers of casualties and large scale destruction of Iranian infrastructure. Various terrorist groups would be shipped into the country in the way they were shipped into Libya and Syria, and the world would be told that they were "democratic freedom fighters." Iran would certainly not be better off when America eventually gave up and went home. The goal of the Zionists who dictate American foreign policy is simply to create chaos throughout the Islamic world, and they do not care what effect this has on America.
Q: What do you think would be the impact of such a war on Trump’s re-election?
A: The possible strikes on Iran are going to play an important role in how the 2020 presidential election process develops. Bernie Sanders is the only serious Democrat contender for the party's 2020 nomination who is running on an anti-war platform. If the Trump Administration begins bombing Iran during the Democrat primaries, this is going to help Bernie Sanders, and could potentially win him the nomination. If Sanders won the nomination, you would have an anti-war candidate running against Donald Trump and his war.
However, the other Democrat candidates are very closely linked to the Israel Lobby, and would not be running on anti-war platforms. Joe Biden or Kamala Harris would be arguing that they could fight Iran better than Trump, so the so-called "democratic process" would leave Americans with a decision about who is better at fighting Iran. In such a situation, voter turn-out would be low, and Trump would likely win reelection.
The threat of an anti-war candidate winning the Democrat primary is likely going to be factored into the timing of the first strike on Iran. This would explain why John Bolton flew to Jerusalem and told the Israeli people that they need only be patient.
Source: Fars