New Page in Iran-Turkey Relations

The visit made by Iran’s Foreign Minister to Ankara and negotiations between the officials of the two countries regarding bilateral relations and regional developments was made at a time when Turkey is taking new positions with regard to the developments of the region and its recent measures in changing its relations with Russia and the Islamic Republic of Iran and also a change in Ankara’s viewpoint towards Syrian developments. Although some analysts may interpret these developments as political and temporary, there are many reasons to believe that there is a long term and calculated assessment of the situation after the coup.
After four years of opposition against the approach of supporting the Syrian government and collaboration with the West, Turkish officials felt the need to change their foreign policy and align themselves with the viewpoint which has believed, from the beginning, that this crisis has no military solution but a political one and that regional states must not pursue aggressive policies against each other. The role of Iran and Russia’s diplomacy has been effective in Turkey’s change of approach. The logical position of the Islamic Republic of Iran with regard to Turkey’s coup has been positive in the new developments in Turkey’s foreign policy. Despite all the differences which Iran has had with Turkey about regional issues, the Islamic Republic of Iran assured Turkey that it will support the legitimate government against the coup plotters. This fair and logical behavior forced Turkish officials to change their approach with regard to Iran.
Obviously, domestic problems, including foreign investments, tourism, as a source of national income, and national legitimacy, which was tested during this coup, were also the issues which led the Turkish officials to conclude that if they do not pursue a new approach in their foreign policy, the situation may lead to crisis. It is clear that the pragmatic government of Erdogan will use all internal and external capacities to create new opportunities in strengthening its state.
What is important for the countries towards which Turkey, for any reason, is getting close is that they should present their viewpoint with total clarity and transparency and receive necessary guarantees for the formation of the new bloc.
Under conditions when the supporters and opponents of the Syrian government are well-known, it seems that Ankara’s change of approach will disrupt the existing balance. Turkey, as the northern neighbor of Syria which can control the entrance of the terrorists and their weapons, can play an effective role in the future developments of Syria and establishment of new relations between Iran, Russia and Turkey. This positive change towards a political solution will speed up international negotiations for peace in Syria.