Trump and the JCPOA’s Future

Donald Trump, as the possible presidential candidate for the Republican Party, is a positive point for the Democrats because if Trump becomes the Republican candidate, the candidate of the Democrats will certainly become the US president. It is unimaginable that the people of the US would allow Trump to be their presidential candidate in the 21st century. Years ago, Barry Goldwater, who was not as fascist as Trump, caused the defeat of the Republican Party. Thus, it seems impossible that Trump would win this election but if he or someone with similar ideas comes to power in the US, he will not easily be able to ignore the JCPOA which is the result of the joint efforts of Iran and the P5+1. Of course, if the hardliners win the election, the US could unilaterally make any decision in this regard. The JCPOA has not denied the independence of action of Iran or any other negotiating state. The JCPOA has lifted international sanctions which were adopted by the UN against Iran for its nuclear activities. Therefore, the US cannot unilaterally violate UN laws. But there is this possibility that if the Republicans win the upcoming presidential election, they would adopt sanctions against Iran which are not related to Iran’s nuclear issue. If that happens, there are forces in Iran who are willing to stop the implementation of the JCPOA.
The fact is that Iran and the US are in a state of hidden war against each other and if Trump comes to power, he might bring this war out in the open. The problem between Iran and the US is not bilateral, but rather about the Zionist regime. The Zionist regime is hostile towards Iran and the US supports this regime, thus, then it would seem impossible that sustainable peace would be in place in this region.
The JCPOA which has been signed between Iran and the P5+1 is related to the nuclear issue and if one side decides to violate this agreement, the other side also has the right to reciprocate this measure. The US might decide to violate this agreement based on some excuses, but the position which the European countries might take is not clear; because Iran has not obstructed international peace, hence, other members of the P5+1 are not bound to obey the US unless each one of them decides separately to pursue the US’ path.
Therefore, what the Republicans state about the abolition of the JCPOA is only a campaign slogan to attract public votes. Many members of the Republican Party oppose Trump and his ideas. It is surprising why Trump has gained so many votes so far. Trump feels that the Republican Party will put him aside as well; that is why he has said that he might run as an independent candidate if the Republican Party does not accept him as its candidate. This is an indication of Trump’s weakness because although he has won several states, he knows that the Republicans will not accept him as their candidate. It seems that in the end the Americans will reach the conclusion that they must pursue a logical path with regard to Iran and not be influenced by Tel Aviv and Riyadh.