The Saudi Intention

The recent Saudi missile attack against the Iranian embassy in Sana’a, Yemen, is a hostile measure against our country and indicates that this was a premeditated plan by Saudi Arabia. This attack provides an opportunity for the Islamic Republic of Iran to file a complaint against Saudi Arabia in the UN Security Council and pursue the hostile behavior of this country through international organizations. In fact, the crimes committed by Saudi Arabia in the region angered a group in Tehran which led to an attack against Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Iran. But this attack was not pre-planned and was out of control of the government. This is while what happened in Yemen was premeditated. If Saudi Arabia does not apologize for its action against Iran, certainly the Iranian party will reserve its right to take certain measures, because Saudi Arabia has violated many laws with regard to Iran. Following the attack against the Saudi embassy in Tehran, this country introduced itself as a country which had come under attack but the missile attack of this country against Iran’s embassy in Yemen is a military action. Therefore, it must be held accountable for its action.
The other point is that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a popular Islamic regime and establishment of relations with Islamic countries is its priority. What could overshadow this priority is that another country steps away from being a positive element in the world of Islam. Today, Saudi Arabia has stepped out of this circle. I believe that Saudi Arabia is the element of divergence in the world of Islam; the reason is that this country supports the Takfiri groups. That is why Iran is assumed to change its behavior towards this country. Due to its approach in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Bahrain, Saudi Arabia has committed crimes against the innocent people of these countries which could be legally pursued in the international tribunals to exert pressure on the leaders of this country. The majority of countries have a political, rather than legal, approach towards Saudi Arabia. This is while Saudi Arabia has committed crimes, thus, Saudi measures should be politically and legally pursued.
With regard to the issue of the possibility of continuation of tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran, it must be said that Saudi Arabia has, hitherto, not retreated from its positions and, on the contrary, has taken further measures to increase tensions with Iran. The meeting of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and the Arab League held by the invitation extended by Saudi Arabia are aimed to mobilize all these countries against Iran. This issue indicates that Saudi Arabia does not pursue a policy of détente. These conditions will change when Saudi Arabia decides to resolve regional problems with logic and prudence. The differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia are regional problems; because Saudi Arabia supports the terrorist groups and helps them to continue their crimes. Saudi Arabia has stood against the will of the people of Bahrain in having equal rights. In Yemen, it has attacked hospitals, schools and civilian targets. Therefore, Saudi Arabia has to change its approach toward the world of Islam and its Arab brothers. In that case, détente would be possible between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It must also be mentioned that the existing tension and conflict in the Middle East is to the benefit of the West and the Zionist regime and the dominating powers. Following the visit made by the military commander of Saudi Arabia to the US and his meeting with the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Zionist regime, it is quite obvious that they are attempting to increase tension in the world of Islam and Saudi Arabia is playing this role in the region.