Roots of Saudi Arabia’s Political Madness

To what extent could one relate the death of the pilgrims in Mina to the rivalries between Saudi princes? Are Mohammad bin Salman and Mohammad bin Nayif real rivals?
Rivalries between the Saudi princes are real and serious and one of the most important domestic challenges in Saudi Arabia, but relating this great crime to the isolated princes needs more accurate information. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the Saudi officials mismanaged this incident.
Considering the high number of missing pilgrims including an Iranian diplomat and some other Iranian officials, could it be said that there has been collaboration between the intelligence services of Israel and Saudi Arabia and that this incident was pre-planned?
Certainly the missing of the Iranian diplomat and other Iranian officials is very dubious. Iran’s political and security officials must prioritize this issue and if it is proven that this incident was intentional, they should immediately suspend their relations with Saudi Arabia and the dispatch of the pilgrims to Mecca and submit Iran’s to international courts.
Due to the success of Iran’s nuclear talks with the West and also indirect cooperation between Iran and the US in the fight against ISIS in Iraq and recent collaboration with regard to the Syrian crisis to find a political solution, Saudi officials, including Bandar bin Sultan, had talked about the forward trend in the reconstruction of relations between Iran and the US. Could it be said that the Saudis’ behavior is a reaction to Iran’s actions?
There is no doubt that Saudi Arabia took all measures to prevent a nuclear agreement. The Saudis are angry, beyond imagination, about the lifting of Iran’s sanctions and the opening of an international atmosphere for Iran, thus, their political behavior has become completely unbalanced. Continuation of the trend of reduction of tension and hostility between Iran and the US will push Saudi Arabia towards absolute political madness.
Since one of Saudi Arabia’s main objectives during the Arab Spring developments was to topple Bashar Assad and destroy Syria, is the existing trend in the attempts to find a political solution and for Assad to remain in power against Saudi interests?
Basically: 1- failure to remove Assad 2- Houthi victories in Yemen 3- Saddam’s elimination in Iraq, 4- downfall of the Taliban in Afghanistan, 5- common interests and indirect cooperation between Iran and the US in Iraq and Afghanistan and 6- power of Hezbollah in Lebanon have caused Riyadh to feel that Iran has the upper hand in the region. Therefore, it has entered the process of open hostility and confrontation with Iran.
The volume of differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia has been increasing since two years ago when Rohani came to power; the oil conspiracy, the Mina tragedy, Yemen, ISIS, the nuclear agreement, the death of King Abdullah and some other issues have created tension in the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Under such conditions, is there any possibility of the reconstruction of relations between the two countries?
It is true that the volume of differences between Iran and Saudi Arabia has increased in the Rohani administration but this is due to the growing power, influence and regional and international status of Iran. This is the reality that has angered the Saudis. Nevertheless, improvement of relations is both possible and necessary. Confrontation of Iran and Saudi Arabia is neither in the interests of the region, nor the world of Islam, nor the interests of either country.
Has Iran been able to use the capacity of certain countries like Oman, Kuwait and to some extent Qatar to improve its relations with Saudi Arabia?
Riyadh’s anger is so high that Kuwait and Oman cannot do anything to resolve this matter. The US has pressured Saudi Arabia with all its power and influence to improve its relations with Iran but it has not succeeded. I believe that a bilateral initiative must happen with the Saudis.
It seems that Iran has made greater efforts to talk with Saudi Arabia and get closer to it than Saudi Arabia. Why have the Saudis shown disinterest at this juncture?
Iran has made all efforts and Saudi Arabia has given a negative response. This shows Iran’s self-confidence and power and Saudi Arabia’s weakness and fear. Two days ago I had a talk with a Saudi lawyer in the US. I asked him why Saudi Arabia is afraid of direct talks with Iran and constantly refuses to do so. He said that Saudi Arabia feels that it has lost the region to Iran and sitting at the negotiating table under such conditions would mean that it has officially recognized the present situation and Iran’s power and influence and eventual concession to Iran. He said to me, “Do you remember that when Saddam was inside Iran’s territories you refused regional and international demands for peace and to sit at the negotiating table? You accepted to negotiate when you pushed Iraq out of your country. Today the Saudis feel the same.”
According to experts, Saudi Arabia’s attack against Yemen is indicative of an aggressive foreign policy. Could it be said that Saudi Arabia is moving towards making independent decisions from the US in the Middle East especially when the US attempts to concentrate on China and East Asia?
The new young generation which has come to power in Saudi Arabia does not have political experience and acts childishly which is not based on wisdom and prudence. I believe that the present young rulers of this country are destroying the roots he of al-Saud government. I believe that the US did not agree with Saudi aggression against Yemen but the political life of the al-Saud family is not as vital as before for the US because it does not need its oil.
Considering the volume of opposition against the nuclear agreement, is it possible that this agreement would be defeated due to the measures taken by Israel and Saudi Arabia?
There is no doubt that US partisanship, the Zionist lobby and hostile Arabs will do their utmost to destroy the nuclear agreement including the presentation of different proposals in the Congress, increasing pressure through propaganda, conspiracy to involve Iran in a regional conflict and other actions. The Obama administration and the other five negotiating powers should take proper measures and predictions and make attempts to prevent the success of their measures.