Could Jalili Have Made a Deal?

-If a comparison is to be made between the previous and current negotiating team, it must be said that what was agreed upon by Iran, Brazil and Turkey was a small part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action albeit with many differences.
-The most important difference is that what the previous administration had agreed to with regard to the transfer of enriched material abroad not only could not have safeguarded Iran’s dignity and reputation, but would also have eliminated Iran’s domination because the enriched materials should have been transferred to be stored in Turkey so that one day countries like France and Russia could transform them into fuel rods.
-But based on the JCPOA, Iran voluntarily exports the additional enriched materials and gains income and provides its fuel rod needs with the cooperation of the P5+1 countries and the IAEA inside the country.
-Therefore, that agreement which was reached under the pressure of the international community to transfer the enriched materials and for the process of the production of the fuel rods to be pursued outside the country could not be compared with the present agreement which is reached with respect and dignity and will transform Iran into one of the exporters of enriched uranium to the world.
-More importantly, when Iran, Turkey and Brazil reached that agreement, the previous administration celebrated this matter while it was not a defendable agreement.
-If the previous administration could have reached a nuclear deal wherein all sanctions would have been lifted, they would have made this deal, contrary to their slogans today.
-But I believe that they would not have been able to reach such an agreement because the international community had a negative view of the previous negotiating team who were not real negotiators and only stated their positions. Under such conditions, a win-win deal could not have been reached.
-The first time the US accepted 5% peaceful enrichment in Iran was in 2012, when Obama stated in an official letter to the Supreme Leader that he was ready to accept Iran’s right to enrichment.
-This measure was actually Obama’s initiative and, from the beginning of his presidency, he had stated that he intended to resolve Iran’s nuclear issue and utilize it as a bridge to reestablish relations between the two countries. Later, bilateral negotiations between Iran and the US began in Oman but had no achievement until the new administration came to power in Iran.
-There is no justification in placing the current negotiating team in front of the former team because this would give them a platform to defend their past which was neither defendable nor wise.
-This approach is certainly a political and partisan approach and it seems that certain people attempt to defend the past nuclear policies while people have shown their opposition to them.