Opponents of Negotiations Misuse Fact Sheet

Why did the Iranian team refrain from publishing the details of the nuclear negotiations in Lausanne and the Iranian factsheet? How could this measure be analyzed?
A study of all negotiations held at the international level shows that people are informed only of the outcome of negotiations and not its details. If there is even one case where the details are told to the people, then I give the critics the right to ask the negotiating team to publish a factsheet. Therefore, the logical procedure in the world is that only the results of negotiations are told to the people. The reason is that this measure will impact the trend of negotiations which have not ended yet. Both sides are supposed to announce the results when negotiations are finished. Right now negotiations are about an issue which has been going on for twelve years and has complicated technical, political and legal dimensions. Technical issues are related to uranium enrichment, centrifuges, and light and heavy water. Legal aspects are within the framework of the NPT, nuclear safeguards, the Additional Protocol and legal obligations. At the present time, 147 countries have accepted the Additional Protocol, 123 of which have adopted it in their parliaments. This is not an issue which was imposed on Iran. It is interesting to note the list of the countries which have accepted this protocol. Countries like Britain, Germany, Russia, Japan, US and France are among these countries. The political aspect is related to issues like the techniques of diplomacy, political gives and takes, Security Council resolutions and their impacts on the international trend and political power. If the details are to be told to the people, they must have political, technical and legal information in this regard. Thus, experts should discuss these matters. The Supreme Leader also stated that these matters should be discussed with the experts. Of course, even the issues which are still under negotiation cannot be discussed with the experts. This does not mean that there is mistrust. This means that if a factsheet is published, then the issues that are going to be discussed by the negotiators will be disclosed. Therefore, negotiators have the right to only discuss the results with the pubic and the details with the experts.
Could it be said, thus, that what is published in the US as a factsheet is the statement drawn from the interpretations of the US delegation from the Lausanne talks?
A correct analysis of the factsheet that the US has published is that they have mixed and engineered false and true statements which are skillfully designed. This is a propaganda tool in order to show what they demand in the end. In fact, they intend to give the US public and the world public what they desire to achieve as what has been agreed. Their main target is the US public opinion. The US delegation intends to tell the public how it has reached an agreement with Iran after 35 years. For years, the US has introduced Iran as a terrorist, a violator of human rights and a manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction. Now after all these lies, they intend to justify themselves through publishing a factsheet. At the same time, publishing the factsheet would cause the opponents and enemies of negotiations to take advantage of it.