60% Enrichment Will Not Be Enforced

-Any country which has the capability of enriching up to 5% could increase it to 95%. 60% enriched uranium is used for warships, submarines and ships which need atomic fuel for long distances and Iran does not have this technology at the present time. But of course Iran could easily increase the enrichment to 60%.
-Due to the threats made by US representatives about imposing further sanctions against Iran, Iran’s representatives have decided to take a retaliatory measure.
-Iran’s representatives have only threatened and not adopted 60% enrichment and have related this matter to the adoption of new sanctions against Iran by the US Congress.
-If new sanctions are adopted by the US Congress, the Geneva agreement will be nullified.
-If this proposal is adopted, the negotiations will be challenged, but this proposal is not supposed to be adopted.
-A retaliatory measure must not be considered as a unilateral measure aimed at disruption.
-Iran’s representatives have felt that this proposal would help the trend of negotiations for it would declare to the other party that Iran’s hands are not tied and it could take certain measures in retaliation.
-The Geneva agreement is not related to the past. The P5+1 have accepted that we have 19000 centrifuges and only P1 and P2 which are related to the new generation must not be added and they have not been added either. Mr. Salehi has stated that hexafluoride gas has not been injected to show Iran’s good faith. Nevertheless, the third and fourth generations of centrifuges have only been used for tests and new centrifuges for research are not against the text of the Geneva agreement.
-Israel uses all its strength to prevent the enforcement of the Joint Plan of Action of the Geneva agreement because it was unable to prevent the signing of this agreement before.
-At the same time, the extreme demands of some of the negotiating countries with regard to the issues which were beyond the agreement are one of the reasons behind the delay of the enforcement of this agreement.
-Expert negotiations are very sensitive and complex and must be strengthened with negotiations between the foreign ministers.