Why Radicals Are Upset About Geneva Agreement

- What hurts every Iranian is that the radical forces inside Iran were as upset about the Geneva agreement as Netanyahu and the radical US Republicans were.
- I totally understand the anger of the radicals, because the details of the Geneva agreement and the fact that Iran and the West, especially the US, are committed to take certain steps within the next 6 months are not important for them at all. The important thing is that a paradigm has been cracked; a paradigm which states that there is nothing between us and the West except confrontation, enmity and hostility.
- Therefore, the radicals have comprehended that the flag of paradigm they have been carrying since long ago (the flag of confrontation against the US) is gradually coming down. Geneva was the beginning and for the first time after 35 years, representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the US and the West signed an agreement and warmly shook hands and embraced each other.
- This agreement is historic. The radicals must think about what they want to do with their enmity towards the West and they must explain to their supporters why we reached an understanding or at least a cease-fire with the West.
- This agreement shows that Iran and the West can reach an agreement and the Islamic Republic of Iran can achieve an understanding with the big powers. Thus, what they state about enmity against the US and that it is an inalienable part and the nature of the Islamic Republic will soon form a question in the minds of their supporters.
- Therefore, the radicals have two paths to take with regard to the Geneva agreement. They either have to attack the agreement, stating that the US will not remain committed to this agreement and that they cannot be trusted and this agreement should be adopted in the parliament, or they have to disrupt this game and destroy the agreement.
- Netanyahu states that this agreement was a historic mistake by the US. Hence, this issue is both very painful and interesting that our radicals are now in the same front as the Israelis and the radical Americans.
- In the past, the Principalists used to ask me, what have you done that the Americans, VOA and BBC defend you?
- Today, I can ask the radical Principalists, what are your ideas and beliefs that you are now in the same front with Netanyahu, radical Republicans, monarchists and all those who are not satisfied with anything less than the overthrow of the Islamic Republic of Iran? What are your beliefs that you are now an ally of the sworn enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran?