France’s Objective behind Its Military Intervention in Africa

What are France’s objectives behind its military intervention in Mali?
France, as a country which intends to play the role of a world power and has a colonial background especially in Africa, still attempts to maintain its influence in this continent and be considered as an important global player in the international scene. Therefore, France feels that it has a mission to solidify its influence in this region and sometimes intervene to safeguard its interests.
These interests can be political, geopolitical, and economic. France intends to stabilize its reputation and role in international equations as a world power. On the other hand, France’s military intervention in Mali will provide its economic interests, because through this measure, it will be able to continue its use of the raw materials and mines which exist in Mali and make investments. Furthermore, France will be able to introduce itself as a supporter and ally of African governments.
When the northern part of Mali was captured by the radical Islamist forces linked to al-Qaeda, there was this concern that these forces would be able to occupy the whole country and overthrow the government in Bamako. This incident could have impacted Mali's neighbors, including Niger, the majority of which were former French colonies. This incident would have weakened France's position in this region.
Considering France’s undesirable economic conditions, is this move supported by the domestic forces of this country?
This measure is taken within the framework of fighting against terrorism and is supported by all political factions inside France, particularly the rival parties. At the present time when Mr. Hollande’s economic policies and also his social policies regarding same sex marriage are harshly criticized in France’s domestic political scene, this issue has been able to gain public support and overshadow domestic problems.
Generally, it seems that France has become active with regard to Africa. What is the reason behind this measure?
Domestic consensus over the activities in Africa is part of the issue. But France, at the present time, can exercise its influence and play a significant role in limited regions. One of these regions is Africa which has old relations with France. This is a place where France can show its power, whereas its hands are tight in other parts of the world.
Other European countries like Germany and Britain have also supported France. What is the reason behind their support?
These countries have supported this measure within the framework of fighting terrorism and preventing the spread of the threat of al-Qaeda and Islamism. They pursue common objectives and that is why they have supported the government of France in this regard.
Radical groups have threatened to take retaliatory measures in the heart of Paris. Aren't France and other European countries concerned?
Immigrant Muslims are present In France and other European countries. These people face discrimination and are dissatisfied with society. They can be a source for being attracted to radical groups such as al-Qaeda. From this aspect, they can potentially be considered as terrorist threats in these countries and endanger their security. Of course, to what extent they will succeed is another issue, but this possibility potentially exists.
Whether we call this measure fighting terrorism or helping the government of Mali, a military intervention has taken place which, as you mentioned, is aimed at safeguarding economic and political interests. Isn't this a new method for colonizing weak countries?
Immediately after the old form of colonization with ancient methods was gone, new forms of colonization called neo-colonialism were created where the past official links do not exist, but countries attempt to maintain their influence through other methods. This measure can also be defined within this framework. France’s military intervention in Mali is one of the manifestations of neo-colonialism.
Will this measure be faced with international protests?
It does not seem that this measure would be protested against, for France has entered Mali based on a Security Council resolution. On the other hand, France can justify its action based on the fact that the legitimate government of Mali has asked for France's help, thus, international laws somehow cover these measures.