Bahrain Naturalise 5000 Syrians Refugees

An intelligence firm said that the Bahraini government is “working to naturalise more than 5,000 Sunni Syrian refugees living in the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan
Citing a source it did not identify, the firm said that “the government has even established a cultural centrer at the camp to acquaint the refugees with Bahraini culture.”
Bahrain has dramatic economic problem at home since 2011 when the popular uprising caused to a serious crisis , meanwhile is setting up a mobile school complex to help 4,000 Syrian refugee children with their education. Some Bahrani students and teachers are still in jjail and many has been injured during the peaceful protests demanding justice and equal civil right.
The complex features four schools that will each accommodate 1,000 students who will be able to continue their studies in the new academic year in the Zaatari Camp in Jordan.
The setting up of the complex was ordered by Bahrain’s King Hamad Bin Eisa Al Khalifa as a gesture to help Syrian refugees.
King Hamad said that he had ordered the Royal Charity Foundation to take the necessary measures to set up the complex as part of Bahrain’s commitment to assist the Syrian people to fulfil their aspirations.
“We want our sons and daughters among the Syrian refugees to continue their studies on time with the new academic year,” King Hamad said. “This is a religious and humanitarian duty.”
Opposition claims about mass naturalisation of foreigners by the state to alter the country’s demographics have been epeatedly rejected but a secret reporot which was leakede by a former british security adviser of Al-khalifa ,Salah Al-bandar in 2006 overtured a systematic demographic engineering in the country run by the royal family members.
Under Bahrain’s 1963 Citizenship Law, an Arab who has lived in Bahrain for 15 years and a non-Arab who has been in the country for 25 years may apply for citizenship.
Source: Bahrain Observer