Necessity of Iran’s Presence in Mecca Summit

Syria has reached a very sensitive point and its destiny will be determined by the outcome of the present situation. It is natural that under such conditions, countries that have influence in the Syrian scene attempt to change the atmosphere in favor of their own interests in any possible way, and Saudi Arabia is no exception to this rule.
As the clashes in Aleppo intensify, the Syrian army has had an expanded presence there to return calm to this city and suppress the armed opposition. Their presence has led to some successes, while the opposition has received vast amounts of logistic and armament help from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, ...., and enjoyed the open and secret support of the world's big powers.
This issue, meaning the resistance of the Syrian army against the fall of Aleppo and control of the city by the opposition, has been unbelievable for the opponents of the Bashar Assad regime, whether inside or outside of Syria. Therefore, countries of the region, particularly Saudi Arabia, have demanded an emergency summit of Islamic countries in order to find other options for the future of Syria.
Recently, a meeting was held in Geneva with the presence of the world's big powers upon the invitation of Kofi Annan, the UN envoy at the time, with regard to the issue of Syria and with the absence of Saudi Arabia and Iran, and it became clear that decisions made about Syria when important players of the region are not present will prove to be futile.
The position of Saudi Arabia from the outset of unrests in Syria has been change in the highest point of the power pyramid. This is while the Islamic Republic of Iran does not support this position; it rather seeks, firstly, maintenance of the existing structure, and secondly, it considers any change dependent upon the votes and opinions of the Syrian people.
However, the ruling pressure may be able to bring these two countries a bit closer, for the present conditions are not moving along the path which Saudi Arabia desired. Therefore, in order to prevent itself from being a complete loser in Syria, this country will probably try to convince participating countries, especially the Islamic Republic, in the emergency OIC summit to accept the Yemeni model in Syria.
It is necessary that Iran's president, while considering national interests and international developments, have an active participation with regard to the issue of Syria in this summit.
He has to accept a decision which serves the interests of, first, the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran, and, second, Syria and its people.
Finally, the scene in Syria has been faced with serious changes and it is possible that this summit will lead to a unanimous decision to end the long clashes in Syria and determine the best destiny for the people of this country, many of whom have been killed in these clashes. It seems that the time has come for the international players in the political scene of Syria to set aside their differences and provide an opportunity for the return of peace and stability to this country.