Tea Sessions Don’t Mean Diplomatic Success

04 February 2010 | 20:07 Code : 6906 Middle East.
Sadegh Kharrazi’s interview with Iranian Labor News Agency
 Tea Sessions Don’t Mean Diplomatic Success
Deployment of antimissile systems by US in Arab countries of the Persian Gulf is a provocative measure. It calls for unreserved reaction and prompt analysis” said Sadegh Kharrazi, Iran’s former ambassador to France, in his interview with Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA). Kharrazi, who believes that Iran’s military and diplomatic officials should beware of US placing missile defense shield in Arab states, added that: “strategic alliance between Iran’s neighboring Arab countries and the White House is deemed as a preemptive military move”. He stressed that it is the first time that the United States, Israel and Arabs have formed a collective decision-making circle. “This is a victory for the Israeli-American lobbies” he said.

Former ambassador to Paris said that the missile defense shield is a response to Iran’s aerospace technology, and its ballistic and mid-range missiles. “Its military and diplomatic meanings couldn’t be more clear-cut” Kharrazi stated. He believes that the success of Israeli-American lobby partially lies in the lethargy of Iran’s diplomatic apparatus that has shifted its focus to Latin American countries such as Venezuela and Bolivia. “Marginalization in regional affairs shouldn’t come as a surprise when you set Latin America as your diplomatic priority” he said.

Former ambassador also warned that the strategic alliance between the United States and Persian Gulf Arab states will legitimize US presence in Middle East. “Our policies with the Arab countries have never been fruitful because of our defective regional approach” he claimed. “Tea session with Arab leaders does not mean success” Kharrazi quipped bitterly. “Iran should rethink its ties with regional states”.

A key diplomat in Khatami’s administration, Kharrazi also said that he believed Iran should ultimately settle its disputes with Americans. “Other countries are taking advantage of the breakup between Tehran and Washington” he said. “For many foreign observers Russia’s consent with US deployment of a missile system in Middle East has become a matter of question. Plus, Chinese should also be weary, especially with the recent buildup in Washington-Taipei relations. Mid-range missiles could upgrade to long-range missiles one day”.

Kharrazi added that Iran’s diplomatic system should express its dissatisfaction with installation of ballistic missiles in the Persian Gulf region. “With a powerful diplomacy we can forestall the plan” he stated.