Iran’s Decision to Call Off Some Nuclear Activities Is Positive
Exclusive interview by Iranian Diplomacy with Kjell Magne Bondevik,former Norwegian Prime Minister and founder and president of the Oslo Center for Peace

The following is an exclusive interview by Iranian Diplomacy with Kjell Magne Bondevik, former Norwegian Prime Minister and founder and president of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights.
Bondevik was in Tehran to attend an international ‘Conference on Religion in the Modern World’ (Oct. 13-14).
Q: How do you evaluate the stance of Europe and the world towards Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities and some tough lines taken against IRI?
A: I must say that there are dangerous debates going on and dangerous words uttered about this issue. I hope the current process between Iran and the United States and also between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency would reach a confident stage so there would be assurances that Iran would not use nuclear energy for military purposes.
Q: We have three weeks to the end of the Bush administration. Do you think something important would happen concerning Iran’s nuclear issue during this time?
A: I don’t know but we hope something good would happen. Everything would depend on the new American president. Then again we can hope better things would happen.
Q: What do you think about the behavior of the European Union towards Iran? What decisions should Europe take to change its behavior towards IRI? How can Iran help improve the situation? Generally what do you think about resumption of nuclear talks?
A: I think the stances of the US and Europe are very close together. They share the same views about nuclear weapons. But I am also confident that Europe is ready for negotiations on Iran’s nuclear dossier. Therefore, Iran should sit at the negotiation table with Europe and the US too should start talks with Iran. Iran-US talks should be held concurrent with Iran-Europe negotiations. But above this, it is Iran and the United Nations and IAEA which should develop their cooperation. This must be the axis of relations between them. These contacts however should not be limited to correspondence but must be expanded and other means of communications used.
Q: Iran has announced that it has more positive common points with Europe. We also know there are negative points. What are these positive and negative points mentioned by the two sides?
A: I am not aware of the details. But I know that the two sides have not reached full understanding yet nor have they reached total impasse. But the positive point is that Iran has abandoned some of its nuclear activities. This is positive. But the negative point is that no agreement has been reached in this respect. We Europeans want to make sure that Iran would never shift its nuclear program towards nuclear arms. This is negative.