Some comments on Wallerstein’s writings for Iran Diplomacy
Revolutionarism without any danger
Some comments on Wallerstein’s writings for Iranian Diplomacy. A note by Dr Hossein Salimi

In an interview with Shahrvende Emrooz weekly, they asked me, do you wish to meet somebody and discuss with them on contemporary world? If yes, with whom and what will you say to them? I responded that I would like to meet some leftist theoreticians and elucidate that the world and international relations is much more different than you are describing. I told them, I expect to meet thinkers such as Emmanuel Wallerstein and Samir Amin and as a person who believed in their theories and was their adherents around 15 years ago, will elaborate that your narrative of the international relations, is drawing a wrong picture of the world, depriving your followers to comprehend some of the most important positive aspects of real world and leading them to some unprofitable acts. Now it is the time of that expectation.
I have read many exclusive articles of Pro. Wallerstein in Iran Diplomacy web site in which he has encouraged to struggle with the central powers of world system, even with violent instruments and cut their hand from the heart of the middle-east and other regions with a revolutionary literature. These writings, seemingly, are written by a revolutionary intellectual rather than an academic theoretician. The question is why he has chosen an Iranian site? I suppose that the answer is derived from the theoretical bases of Wallerstein, nevertheless, it is not a proper occasion to survey theories. Although, he thinks that culture is the most important battleground against dominant powers, but revolutionary countries like Iran can stand against the core of world system and help the overthrow and collapse of the hegemonic condition of them, not only in their military and economic situation but also in the mentality of people in periphery part of world system. For him, the resistance of Iranians, Palestinians and rebellions in Iraq could be a main challenge for capitalist world system as well as the hegemonic supremacy of western powers. He believes that six main contradictions as well as inherent problems of capitalist system will be intensified and deepened by resistance of revolutionary states and movements. That is the main reason of his efforts to encourage Iranians and other discontent and incompatible actors to build up and make stronger conflict with the western powers. However, it is not misleading to pose a simple but basic question from Pro. Wallerstein as bellow:
Despite theoretical foundations of the World System theory, what could be the result of Wallerstein proposals for the life of population of regions such as the middle-east? He is seeking for a worldwide revolutions and overthrow of the imperialism in long term. For this aim, he believes that great powers just understand the language of force and violence, as North Korea, Hamas have revealed that Americans and its allies might be convinced only by an ironic fist. He argues that the core of capitalist system accepted to sit down on the negotiation table, after saber ratting and showing of force to them. North Korea did that by nuclear test and Hamas by direct attacking to Israel. For him, even the military victory of Russia against Georgia, as a political ally of western powers could be another sign for capitalists’ defeat. These positions can be fascinating for third world analyzers and representing their ambition to emancipation, but by what expenses? The point is even though these acts can provide the grounds of a hypothetical revolution, but what will be the consequences of such activities for poor people of third world. True, North Korea forced Americans to negotiate and accept some of their conditions, but the problem is whether the level and condition of their life has changed or not? At the moment, more than 1/2 of the population of the country are living under poverty borderline and have not any communication with the rest of the world. In Gaza, in spite of the glorious resistance of democratic government and fighters, the condition of life is hazardous and catastrophic. This situation can continue under the struggling conditions and nobody knows how and when they can stop it. Even in Caucasus all of strategic analyzers have forgotten the ordinary people and their every day life. Some has forgotten that this confrontation may damage the economic condition of the world and create a new round of military and strategic competition in which the life of people will be damaged. By the way, have the revolutionary theoreticians think about what will be the result of the competition on the ordinary people life?
I do understand the theoretical reasoning of Pro. Wallerstein, I even teach his theory in my classes and I have written a chapter about his theory in my "Contending Theories of Globalization" on his theory, as one of the most important views in the new generation of leftists. But this argumentation is not a theoretical one that is a practical debate focused on the life of people and development of societies, at the present time. It is possible to be asked, whether these sacrifices are necessary for solve the current problem or not. We can respond that they could be, but what is the actual responsibility of intellectuals like Pro. Wallerstein? Are they ready to live with the poor people of Gaza and North Korea without and preliminary facilities? If the US attacks to Iran will Pro. Wallerstein be ready to live in Iran with Iranian revolutionary intellectuals and combatants? Is this respectful intellectual ready to be, live and teach in Gaza, North Korea or in Iraq after evacuation of occupiers or even in Iran presently? If not, why? We as third world intellectuals and academicians can ask that, are they conceptualizing theories and offering analysis in which there are some vocations and dangers just for others?