Iranian Parliament Strongly Condemns Saudi-Led Aggression on Yemen

05 April 2015 | 20:15 Code : 1946118 Latest Headlines

(FNA)- The Iranian Parliament strongly deplores the Saudi-led military strike against the innocent Yemeni people, First Vice-Speaker Seyed Mohammad Hassan Aboutorabi Fard said on Sunday, calling on the international community to do its best to stop the bloodshed.

"The parliament strongly condemns the Saudi regime's inhumane aggression against Yemen," Aboutorabi Fard said, addressing an open session of the parliament in Tehran on Sunday.

He also underlined that the Iranian parliament expects the international community, specially those countries and bodies which claim to be supporters of democracy, the United Nations and the UN Security Council to firmly stand against such inhumane aggression and don’t allow any further blow to the economic infrastructures of the innocent Yemeni people in the Saudis' unfair attacks.

"We also urge the parliaments of all Islamic countries to seriously and firmly stand against this illegitimate aggression which is being staged against all humane, ethical, religious and political teachings," Aboutorabi Fard said.

Saudi Arabia has been striking Yemen for 11 days now to restore power to fugitive president Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh. The Saudi-led aggression against Yemen has killed at least 874 people, including hundreds of women and children. Another 1,700 people have also been wounded in the last 11 days.

Hadi stepped down in January and refused to reconsider the decision despite calls by Ansarullah revolutionaries of the Houthi movement.

Despite Riyadh's claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi warplanes are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

Five Persian Gulf States -- Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait -- and Egypt that are also assisted by Israel and backed by the US declared war on Yemen in a joint statement issued on March 26.