No Misunderstanding between Hamas, Iran

31 December 2014 | 20:54 Code : 1942552 Latest Headlines

(FNA)- Senior Hamas Leader Mousa Abu Marzouq underlined that the Palestinian resistance movement is resolved to expand its relations with Iran, and rejected any misunderstandings between the two sides.

"There were some differences of opinion and misunderstandings between the two sides, but they have been removed," the Palestine Today news website quoted Abu Marzouq as saying.

He also said that senior Iranian and Hamas officials are due to meet soon.

Meantime, in Tehran the foreign ministry spokeswoman said Hamas Leader Khaled Mashaal is due to visit Iran, but no date has yet been fixed.

A Hamas delegation visited Tehran last week with a view to improving relations with Iran.

In September, senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar praised Tehran's unsparing efforts as a main cause of the recent victory against the Zionist regime.

Addressing a political gathering in Gaza, Zahar said that anyone who contributes even a penny to the resistance is a partner in the oppressed Palestinian nation's victory.

He said that Iran's contributions to the Palestinian resistance movement led to improvement of Hamas military wing, and therefore, Iran is a serious partner in this victory.

The Palestinian official emphasized that Hamas needs to maintain a good level of relations with all Arab and Islamic countries and players, including Iran, Syria, the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Persian1 Gulf littoral states.

tags: hamas