Iran Condemns Bomb Blast in Yemen’s Sana’a

11 October 2014 | 14:45 Code : 1939462 Latest Headlines

(FNA)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham strongly condemned the Thursday bomb attack in the Yemeni capital which left around 50 civilians dead and several others injured.

In a statement on Thursday, Afkham expressed sympathy with the families of the victims.

Afkham further pointed to the peace deal struck between the Yemeni government and the revolutionaries, including Shiite Houthi movement, on September 21, emphasizing the need for both parties to honor their obligations under the agreement.

The Iranian official also called for vigilance and cooperation among all sides involved in Yemen’s political affairs to uproot terrorism in the Muslim country.

Yemen has been the scene of violent clashes between revolutionaries and Salafists over the past weeks.

Anti-government protesters have been staging demonstrations in the capital for more than a month, demanding resignation of the government over what they call its corruption.

On Wednesday, Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi accepted the resignation of the newly-elected premier Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak after protesters slammed the government’s choice.

Mubarak said he made the decision in a bid to "preserve the national unity and protect the country from divisions".

On September 21, the revolutionaries took over Sana’a, following weeklong clashes across the country.

A UN-backed ceasefire deal, which was subsequently inked, called for the withdrawal of the revolutionaries from the capital once a neutral prime minister was pic.