Iran manufacturing radar-evading helicopter

07 September 2014 | 21:47 Code : 1938032 Latest Headlines

Iran is manufacturing three kinds of domestically-designed helicopters, including a radar-evading one, the latest in military advancements in the Islamic Republic, the managing director of the Iran Helicopters Logistics and Renovation Organization Managing announced on Thursday. 
Besides overhauling all helicopters, the IHLRO, an organization affiliated to Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization (CAO), has “designed three types of helicopters in three different categories to meet the country’s future needs,” Mohammad Ali added, Press TV reported. 
Brigadier General Ahmad-Abadi said semi-heavy 14-seater Homa helicopter is “radar-evading” and could carry weapons. 
He added that the twin-engine 8-seater Saba “will be able to meet marine, rescue and relief as well as transportation needs.” 
The general said the third helicopter would be used in military training. 
On September 1, Iran unveiled two domestically-manufactured radar systems, Arash-2 and Kayhan, capable of detecting stealth aircraft and long-distance targets. Kayhan, which is a two-dimensional radar system, is capable of detecting and tracking hostile aerial targets, including conventional aircraft and stealth jets that fly on high altitudes. The Arash-2 radar system can track targets at an altitude of around 100,000 feet. And later this month Iran, plans to unveil a new indigenous surface-to-air missile defense system named Talash-3, which was successfully test-fired recently.
In recent years, Iran has taken great strides in its defense sector and attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems. 
The Islamic Republic has repeatedly assured other countries that its military might poses no threat to other states, saying that its defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.

tags: iran